I'm the same way. Have done the expensive sunglasses thing a few times with poor results. I know myself and I'm hard on accessory items so I buy accordingly. Also, lack of tether is a big deal breaker for me right now. I'd probably be willing to go for the $199 version otherwise.
Questions for AT&T users. When using a family plan, do the calls between family members count towards your peak minutes used? Can that plan be used for I-Phone users?
If I didn't have an iPhone I'd be all over this, but the more I think about it the more I doubt I'll upgrade. The only hardware difference between iPhone 1.0 and iPhone 2.0 is 3G and GPS. Everything else is software upgrades and all of those upgrades are available to iPhone 1.0 owners. For me 3G and GPS aren't worth spending $200 and increasing my bill by $10 a month.
I'm pretty sure you get unlimited minutes to other family members. I have unlimited minutes to any AT&T customer just with my single plan.
Well, squeeky wheel gets the grease. My wife finally got fed up with my whining and surprised me with my iPhone order. She says it should be 2 or 3 weeks though :shock:, according to the Denham Springs AT&T store.
Not only is the battery life exactly HALF of the original iPhone, but durability has most definitely become an issue in those that are putting the new phone through its paces. My friend mentioned the other day an application for OSX that allows you to tether via iPhone. I will be investigating it next week and will report back.
And there is no way to replace it. Even with it's faults (the main being that it's an Apple product) I'd still buy one if I wasn't already an AT&T customer. They won't sell it to me for the $199 price because I got my last phone less than 18 months ago. I'd have to pay $399 Apparently that's AT&T's way of rewarding customer loyalty. But again, I guess it's their loss since I won't be buying.
My biggest gripe about the 3G is the battery life. I've done a couple of experiments with the 3GiPhone. One day, I disabled 3G. This helped battery life a lot. Still nowhere near a Gen1 iPhone battery life. It did help though. Next day, I left the 3G disabled and also turned off the following items the "Push" feature, GPS, Auto-Brightness, and Bluetooth. Now my 3G iPhone has a battery life equal to my Gen 1 iPhone even though my 3G is nothing really more than a Gen 1 iPhone now. I am told that the GPS is the single biggest battery drainer. Hell yeah!