They keep talking about wanting to attract business users but last time I checked, they don't allow iphones on business accounts with AT&T. Does anyone know if this is going to change?
I've had an iPhone on a business account. I recently switched it to a family account. We still have several iPhones on business accounts where I work.
Hmmm....the local AT&T store told us it was not possible. I'll have to check into it when the new one comes out.
Don't know what to say except they are wrong. I had mine on a business account since Day 1 when the first iPhones were launched. It was hell getting it activated. I had to go down to the local AT&T store and get some help. With a regular account you could just easily activate it at home.
mobius481 now that i think about it, you are correct. We do have several AT&T phones on a business account, so our company does have a business account. However, the guys that bought iphones did have to switch to a nonbusiness account like a family plan or whatever, but our company still pays for it. Sorry, my bad.
I didn't even consider the iPhone when it first came out. But now I'm planning on gettin the new version. The price is nice and my razr has one foot in the grave.
This is the one I've been waiting for with the GPS and the 3G. But I'm going to use the loaded Razer I have for a while yet and get my moneys worth out of it. I ain't happy that the rates will go up for iPhone service, but the initial price drop will hook most people.
Okay, so then to my original question. If they are going after business users, why don't they allow them on business accounts. We have three guys with iphones but they pay the difference between what the company would pay for their phone and what they're charged. It's crazy. We pay 40-50 bucks for phones but the iphone costs 150 or so. If they would allow them to be on business accounts, we would have 30 instead of three. I read something yesterday that said apple gets 26% of the service revenue so that must be the reason why. This must be contingent on a certain level of revenue per phone and the way they achieve this is by making it be a personal plan. They can create a revenue stream rather than just revenue off the sale of the phone. Makes sense I guess, but sucks for the consumer.