Martin is correct about that. After the Belgium bomb thing the us state dept put out a travel warning about Europe. Europe has like 800 million people and 50 countries. Nobody got blown up in Tirana or Helsinki or Dubrovnik. It's absurd to think Europe needs a travel warning. Even if you had been in Brussels airport that day, (and I had a month earlier) you would almost surely have been fine. It's like being scared of shark attacks when the odds are more likely you will be hit thrice by lightning.
That makes perfect sense, and I agree, the only point I am making is that nothing is actually dangerous, like your neighborhood is some safe sanctuary and the rest of the world is a scary killzone like some people tend to think.
If you worked for the us government you are, for example, not allowed to take public buses in certain places in Israel. I am though, and it's perfectly safe. I agree that American businessmen should be careful in some very specific parts of South America, but otherwise I think it's almost always blown out of proportion.
I just hope you dont end up in an orange jumpsuit chanting koran scripture. Or would that be verses. Sounds like youve ventured into a couple wartorn places. sounds fun as shit though.
Europe? It's crazy safe. Russia, also safe, but I understand your point. China is more or less crime free except for petty scams and such. China and Europe (one minor exception is women alone at night in Muslim barrios) are without question safer than the French quarter.
No chance. The Muslim countries I have been to are Kuwait UAE Morocco and Lebanon and turkey, and I stayed in a Muslim paki neighborhood in India. All of these places were insanely safe. Even Beirut, which w Bombed the week after I left, was bombed in a Hezbollah neighborhood no western people would go to. If you are a reporter trying to interview Isis in northern Syria you might lose your head. Probably not. If you are kyles kid pounding vodka shots in Moscow you are gonna be fine.