In one hour I'm heading to the airport in Baton Rouge to pick my daughter up. She has been overseas since January of '17. Can't wait to see her. I believe her country count on this trip was 36. She visited 6 continents. Over the last 24 months, she spent 20 of them abroad. Oh happy day that she is now over US soil! Now to get down to the business of med school...after she spends a week in Fla at the beach!
That's what the trip to Fla is for lol. Actually, it's a trip that each new med school class traditionally does. Sort of a bonding thing.
She's home! Damn it was good to hug her neck. Taking both my kids to dinner now. My world is pretty good.
That’s great. My oldest just went to Georgia on a church trip. She’s only going to be gone for 3 days, but it’s weird that she’s out of state without us. I can’t imagine an 18 month world tour.
We started them both at a young age. I wanted both of them to want to see the world. Both of them have now been overseas alone at least twice. They are both pretty confident young ladies at this point. The overseas thing definitely takes some getting used to. I am really glad she is home. Right now, I am sitting downstairs in our condo in BR while they are both upstairs asleep. Nice to have them both under a single roof, if only for a night. Tomorrow, daughter #1 and I head to my house for a couple days before I move her stuff to her new place in NOLA .
See here’s the thing... we’re kind of what one might refer to as “poor”. But that’s awesome that they’ve had those experiences. I’m not against it. My bank account is.