Did you have any sex with foreign nationals? If your dick rots and falls off you'll know for sure. Just joking. Take a big does of those fish antibiotics and you won't feel like a bottom feeder much longer
if you couldn't tell, the thread veered into how safe America is or isn't. sorry that you couldn't disregard.
Occasionally I do have sex with foreign nationals. I went to the doc and he said only the local government and the Feds have Zika tests, but I do have symptoms consistent with Zika. I have been advised to not hang around pregnant women because if a mosquito stings me and then her it might mangle her fetus. But those mosquitos that can carry it are rare in nyc. The doctor speak was "the vector is rare" Anyways that was a few days ago and my symptoms are almost gone. It was fever and a terrible rash that itched all my parts. A few hundred people in New York have had Zika, 100 percent got it in Latin America
Of all,the places on earth I would be careful about getting drunk and partyin too hard and getting in trouble, Syria is first, then maybe Pakistan in a tie with Russia. Russia is fucking crazy. Russians are menacing and angry, can't trust those fuckers. http://www.usatoday.com/story/news/...fallout-over-bizarre-embassy-fracas/86809674/ That's story is incredible. That "diplomat" crawls to the door for the us territory. Nuts.
I was proud of her. She left on Monday with a really small carry on and her backpack. The carry on was only necessary because it was loaded with books so that she could study for the MCAT in her down time. 4 weeks worth of clothes and supplies for a college girl in one small bag is packing pretty light.
It's unfortunate that we can't put all those books in digital format and reduce the weight from carrying a bunch of books around the world to one small tablet.