And one thing that I really enjoyed about Flynn is that after he goes through his progressions/reads, if a play isn't there, he won't just sit in the pocket waiting for his receiver to create seperation. If everyone is covered, Flynn pulls the ball down and RUNS (runs well I might add). Now, I don't nec. want a "run-first" QB like Marcus Vick, where he makes one read and then takes off. I want a QB to make all his reads (and not take a milleneum to do so) and THEN tuck it away and run... Flynn has shown to do that real well and I hope RP does that too when it's his turn to shine for us.
Flynn has such a likeable personality due to his "always here to compete and never complain" attitude. Players recognize that quality in a teammate and will rally around him because everyone respects a hard-worker. And that's not to say that I believe JR isn't a hard-worker because I don't know that for certain...but I do know that Saban thought at times last season that JR didn't work as hard as he could/should have--which is why Flynn got to enter the Cap One Bowl before JR last season...
I just don't see how starting QB come fall isn't a no-brainer. I don't care how many wins JR had, the offense consistently underachieved, and he was often bailed out by the defense. What else could Flynn possible prove? If he blows it, JR will still be here.
He couldn't have proved any more during the bowl game. But that's just it - it was only the 1 game. He has to continue to prove it. Who knows if he will. Flynn was not the sole reason for the offense's sudden production against Miami. The coaches will not be as short-sited as many here. Flynn may end up being the guy next season, but it won't be because of 1 game.
Right. And in that one game, it's particularly impressive that he showed such a remarkably better overall grasp of the position than Russell did in 12 games. Maybe not. But it certainly appears to be an overwhlemingly successful formula. Why change the ingredients? I just don't think that JR is somehow entitled to be the starter next year solely because he started all year long this year. Experience means nothing if you don't learn from it.
Of course not. He will have to earn it, just as Flynn will - because he doesn't deserve it just for winning the bowl game.
If any one thing is clear, practice competition tells us very little about gametime preparedness and performance.
Ro Davey was one hell of a practice player(sarcasim)......:hihi: Saban and Fisher wanted to kill Marcus Randall. He was the next Joe Montana in practice. Gametime was a surprise with Marcus. Have you ever seen more of a bi-polar qb at LSU?