Interesting, Finebaum stuff.

Discussion in 'The Tiger's Den' started by LesIsMore, Feb 13, 2007.

  1. LSUTiga

    LSUTiga TF Pubic Relations

    Sep 2, 2006
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    Thanks.........I guess. :wink:
  2. Fishhead

    Fishhead Founding Member

    Dec 3, 2006
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    Luther Davis, scholly pulled from LSU for lying, goes on to sign with Bama, while LSU signs Bama "lock" Sidell Corley, far better than Davis on every board.

    Nick Fanuzzi, signed after Marve decommits and bolts for Miami. Marve is the better of the two.

    Hanks and Underwood, both players commit to Bama as 0 stars, then suddenly become 2 or 3 * players, as if by magic.

    Average star ranking for Bama, 3.29

    Average star ranking for LSU, 3.89

    Get over yourself.:thumb:
    1 person likes this.
  3. Fishhead

    Fishhead Founding Member

    Dec 3, 2006
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    And if you'd like to go by Scout, Bama's 19th in recruiting, and has an average star rating of 3.08.
  4. Bengal Buddy

    Bengal Buddy Founding Member

    Dec 25, 2004
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    I know Saban is not well thought of here, but let's be honest. He is a great recruiter. But I don't know if he can be credited with taking Bama from 25th to 10th place in recruiting. I suspect most of those guys had already made their minds up, although Saban may have solidified their decision. I suspect he will be able to recruit well for Bama and will have success there. But he won't have the easy time of it in Alabama, where he has to compete with Auburn, as he had at LSU. I am certain Saban dearly regrets leaving Baton Rouge.
  5. TerryP

    TerryP Founding Member

    Oct 30, 2002
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    I'd have to agree. I've been around him a few times, and he does have a quick wit.

    Silent and a Gray-shirt commit.

    You know me better than that tirk! :lol:

    FWIW, the biggest needs on the team this recruiting season were in the front 7 on defense where 10 were signed. Directly underneath that was the WR position where 3 were signed, 2 of which could easily see the playing field next year and the 3rd likely his Sophmore year. It's true, roughly 10 (give or take one or two) were pratically commited under the Shula staff. Considering 24 signed?

    Slightly different note, but related:

    I mentioned this a couple of times the few weeks before signing day. I knew we were going to have some turnover within the team ranks when the new staff came aboard. How many, I could not venture to guess but knew I'd have a rough idea after the signing period was over.

    The NCAA's limit on scholarshiped players is 85. Right now, we're 8-9 over that if you count those commited and those already on scholly. So, what does that mean? 8-9 won't find themselves wearing Crimson in the fall.

    Unlike some who bash kids, I won't. I will say that hopefully a few of these guys will get the wake-up call many of us were afforded at the same age and move on from there.
  6. cadillacattack

    cadillacattack Illegitimi non carborundum est

    Oct 15, 2003
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    I'm pretty certain you meant to write "Terry" Bowden, but in any event, Finebaum was not the person who broke the firing of either Tommy or Terry.
    Tommy's release from Auburn was no newsworthy event. Terry's firing was, and was discussed the day prior to Finebaum's show on another station that was interviewing Bill "Brother" Oliver.

    Finebaum was once a very good investigative journalist back in the day, so he has good skills. However, his current role is far closer to muckraker than anything resembling a journalist.

    it should also be noted that Finebaum has recently moved to a FM station after being on the same AM station for many years. I suspect that his recent rants against Auburn, LSU, and Ole Miss serve a dual purpose. First, it gets him on Saban's good side since Saban is well known for alienating the media in general. Second, it re-introduces his schtick to a whole new listening demographic in a scramble to gain ratings-share.

    Nothing personal, but using a flawed ranking system as "factual evidence" to support your point takes away from your argument. Recruiting rankings, and the underlying "stars" used to compile them, are generally useless because of compounded bias, and because the averages include non-qualifiers that may never play a down at the D-1 level, let alone for the program they committed to. Like Finebaum, the services that provide rankings are primarily in the business of selling subscriptions ........ for that reason, they must be taken with a heavy grain of salt, IMHO.

    Besides, recruiting is only a starting point. It's a program's ability to develop and effectively utilize that talent that matters .... and in the end, only the results-on-the-field will prove out. :thumb:
  7. Fishhead

    Fishhead Founding Member

    Dec 3, 2006
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    That doesn't take away from my argument one bit. The variables you listed are equal to both programs, therefore they cancel each other out. And as far as non-qualifiers go, Bama has more that will likely not qualify than LSU. LSU has 2, and they have already been removed from our list on the recruiting boards. Bama has at least 3 or 4 that will likely not qualify, including the overhyped Luther Davis.

    And the fact that it is a programs ability to develop and effectively utilize that talent makes my argument even stronger. All those great CNS recruits that won the Sugar Bowl flourished under the leadership of one Les Miles, thank you.
  8. bamawhamma

    bamawhamma Founding Member

    Jan 4, 2007
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    Sidell corley was never a "lock". We were hoping to sign him but he ended up at LSU. Great pickup for LSU. Fanuzzi is bigger and faster than Marve and you know how Saban likes big QB's.Only time will tell who's better. I reallize our class doesn't compare with LSU's. Never Said it did. But i do trust Saban to evaluate talent and fill our needs on the d-line which he did. "Get over yourself" ?.......again just sharing info., no BRAGG just facts.:)
  9. Fishhead

    Fishhead Founding Member

    Dec 3, 2006
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    BS! Nobody here asked you to "share facts". You're here to stir the pot. When I want the opinion of Bama fans, I go to Tidefans and ask for it. I don't talk smack over there when I do visit, though. And as far as Corley goes, I got that "fact" from that very site, that he was a Bama lock, and was just visiting LSU as a courtesy.
  10. bamawhamma

    bamawhamma Founding Member

    Jan 4, 2007
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    I think i've seen some of your posts on Tidefans. Best of my memory you were treated with respect and not dissed. Looking for facts on a bama message board? Some of our posters as well as yours don't have a clue. Talking Smack? gimmi a break.

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