Everyone agrees that, while changes within a species are indisputable and can be observed within a lifetime, no one has ever seen (nor is there a recorded observation after 5000 years of written history) one species transmuting to another. Fish never become fowl, insects never become birds, and monkeys certainly never become humans. Speciation normally occurs in a branchlike manner with monkeys and humans sharing a common ancestor and diverging into two related but distinct species. In millions of years monkeys could also evolve into intelligent creatures, but they would not be humans. But absence of evidence is not evidence of absence. There are suggestions that interspecies evolution might someday be proved through DNA analysis. Caterpillars do "transmutate" into butterflys. Avian flu viruses certainly transmutate into human flu. But in the main, evolution is an intraspecies phenomenon.
You need to read more books my friend and less moveon.org. Name one FACT proven by evolutionists? There has not been one fact about the origins of life proven by the theory of evolution. Never has been and never will be. There is just as much evidence in favor of creationism as evolution. Show through evolution the origin of the eye? In fact, the very existence of the eye proves that evolution is a farse. World renowned biologists know and have written extensively on the farse that is evolution.
Name one point in the fossil record that shows evolution exists? It has never been done. You would be proving something that needs to be written about in Science or Nature magazine my friend. I'm talking about evolution.....not natural selection or the survival of the fittest. EVOLUTION! Small mutations that change the very existence and functions of an organ. Where is that? Paste the article.
Evolution is spontaneous mutations...........not some naturally selected event or survival of the fittest. Natural selection and survival of the fittest were ways that Darwin was able to advance his theory. Evolution is still an unproven spontaneous event that Darwin proposed to supposedly prove why we have eyes, or brains or thumbs. But EVOLUTION has never been proven to be true no matter the trillons spent in that very attempt.
First you start off by making foolish assumptions that you know how many books I read, followed up by attempting to discredit me by mentioning moveon.org, a site I've never seen or made reference to here. Then you demand that I cite one FACT . . . as if I didn't make about 30 posts in this thread already, citing fact after fact that you choose to ignore. Then you make a series of absurd and proveably untrue statements as if you had not read any of the preceding posts where we have argued this out extensively in this old thread. And you did not offer a single new issue to offer us or any supporting evidence for your claims. Sorry, you are just trying to start another political argument and it bores me. I'll answer anybody who wishes to discuss scientific issues in a scientific manner, but thats not what you want. You don't want to argue the issues, you want a soapbox to personally criticise "moonbats" who you disagree with and label all their statements as "liberal" propaganda that they got from "moveon". I ain't taking your bait no more, hoss.
I think evolution is an ongoing phenomenon and it certainly isn't spontaneous mutation because that goes completely against the theories of evolution, so you can't put them in the same category. However, I do feel that God created earth and all of the animals and people including earth. I also believe that humans make mistakes and that language over time change. So, when the Bible says God created the earth in 6 days and rested on the seventh, how can we be sure that these were the same calendar days that we use today. Could it not be that these days were in fact periods, periods that could have lasted millions of years?
I just love when you make bold statements about things, like evolution, with no facts. Like I said, name one provable fact about evolution. The evolution of the horse.....the giraffe, man, the eye......? Anything. Show a fact of evolution in the fossil record and I'll show where there are none. There are plenty of world-renowned scientists who have proven that something more is happening than evolution itself as to explain life. God, space dust....whatever you want to believe. But evolution has not been proven and schools need to start teaching that fact. By the way, REDness, I went through every post on here and never saw you post thing as a evolutionary fact. If evolutionary scientists can't post a fact about evolution other than "it's true" you can't either. I saw where you said evolution has been proven via the scientific method time and time again. Where is this? I'll tell you what I'm using as a basis for my ideas......from scientists. Lehigh University Biochemist Michael Behe's "Darwin's Black Box." George Cornell: "Scientists say modern findings show absurdity of Darwinism," Associated Press, DEC. 1982. Carl Zimmer," The riddle of the appendix," New York Times, August 9,2005. David M. Raup, "Conflicts bwetween Darwin and Paleontology." All works of scientists, from Cornell University, Harvard University and museums around the world. They aren't for intelligent design or creationism anymore than I am. They just have proven time and time again that evolution by itself as an explanation for the complex mechanisms of life is absurd.
lsucraig, i am with you on global warming, but on evolution i think you are the one that is making a political issue out of a scientific one. i love evolution. i worship anyone who has anything to do with it. not only because it is a thorn in religion's side, but because the whole thing is so fantastic and awesome. darwin is amazing and i love him. plus richard dawkins, my favorite current writer, is an evolutionary biologist. evolution rules. like many other awesome things, i wonder how people didnt figure it our earlier. nothing is better than evolution.
are you saying cornell because the guy is named cornell or because he actually works for cornell? i promise you, not one real scientist on earth doesnt completely buy into evolution.
You're a funny guy. Evolution is just as much a political hot potato as global warming. And it shouldn't be. Evidence is evidence whether it be for or against either one. I am for for truth always. Truth, Justice and the American Way......which is Conservative of course.