Anyone who doesn't have health insurance is a freeloader counting on tax-paid emergency rooms, Medicaid, charity hospitals, and such. The problem is the number of working men and women, who WISH to pay for insurance but can't get it at group rates or because of pre-exiting illness. We can cover those deserving people as long as everybody participates. We have mandated liability insurance for a century, it's for the good of the nation. The best ones always have. Why not bring all business to that standard rather than reduce all to the lowest standards.
It is not unconstitutional. That has been proven. They already force you to buy liability insurance if you choose to drive for the protection of you, your victims, and the nation. Buying health insurance is no different if you ever expect treatment. It's in everybody's best interests that you are covered. Freedom to do what? Freeload on the public? Why would anybody wish to be uninsured?
The way I see it there are two realistic options and both of them suck because both of them force people to do something that they probably don't ant to do: Require healthcare and Don't require healthcare. Currently our system doesn't require healthcare. As a result, people with healthcare pay for those without healthcare. It's why healthcare and services provided cost so much. Requiring healthcare from citizens or employers would provide a measure of healthcare coverage for everyone and theoretically costs would go down. Countries with such a program have notably cheaper costs associated with many common services compared to US costs for the same or similar services. It's pro-business in that you're probably going to see a lot of job growth in the health insurance-related field. That's why the Insurance Lobby not just supported it, but fought for it. Either way, SOMEONE is going to have to swallow a bitter pill... The one thing that I wish we'd adopt regardless of the kind of healthcare methods we use is a national database. I have read that over 60% of a doctor's costs are in regards to billing. Automating some of that along with a national database of medical records for physicians to have access to wherever the patient is would be a marked improvement over what we have now. The absolute best thing would be to expand a form of medicare to cover ALL citizens along with a national database for billing and records, but we're too stupid to want the entire nation to be healthy. Only rich people should be healthy.
It IS and no it has not You can always walk or ride your Schwinn to the office amigo. Are you calling all those bums that live under a bridge freeloaders? I thought you wanted to take care of them all? You know, give them a fair shake because all those rich dicks have all the money and won't give those poor bastards any. Which side of your neck are you going to speak out of next?
Amen!...especially those who believe global warming is manmade. Stop being a hypocrite and start walking!!!
There is nothing in the constitution that prevents this law. Make your case, if you think you have one. You get free government-paid medical care. Most people can't. How about we drop the VA along with Obamacare? Talk about socialized medicine! Don't make up arguments and attribute them to me. I make plenty of my own statements here. Why don't you challenge one that I actually made. :insane: