Holy crap, SabanFan, you are on the warpath. Can I grab my musket and join you? You are an ass-kickin son of a b*tch, and I'd like to fight along side of you, if you'll have me. :geaux: :lsug:
I would be honored to have you by my side. I've been suffering these pompous Opelika fools for a year and I'm geting it out of my system. I'm having a blast. Anyone want to take on Sabanfan and Jean Lafitte best bring their "A" game.
Suck my gym sock, Southlink. You can go be as classy as you like. You'll be the new star on "Queer Eye for the Straight Guy." I don't care about class, because I know that class is not what wins wars and football games. Blood, Guts, Ruthlessness and Plain Meanness wins both. So take your effete classyness and shove it up your cavity! What say you now? :geaux: :lsug:
Great game tonight. Didn't realizing calling LSU the best team in the SEC and how good they played tonight would get such a response from some people.
Personally, I'm a little confused as to why my fellow LSU fans are expending energy smack-talking with the fan of a team we already beat! :dis:
Becasue they can! Can I join as well SabanFan and Jean Lafitte? I don't have a musket but will a M16 do the trick? Geaux Tigers