Inconsistency of Flynn

Discussion in 'The Tiger's Den' started by JP4LSU, Nov 4, 2007.

  1. JP4LSU

    JP4LSU Founding Member

    Jan 4, 2005
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    Look dude, I have a life and if you don't think Flynn was inconsistent in the 1st half with 3 INT's, then you need to watch the game.

    Matt did do fine in the late 3rd and 4th. Now it isn't all Flynn's fault, the Oline didn't do that great.

    I mentioned Matt's inconsistency but I also gave him credit for being a fighter and getting us back in the game. He screwed up some but he fought back and helped get us a win.
  2. Speedy G

    Speedy G Founding Member

    Nov 23, 2003
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    Flynn just isn't a very accurate passer. There's not much you can do about that. That doesn't mean he can't be an effective QB, though, b/c he does have the arm to make just about any throw. He's just not likely to do so consistently.

    I agree with whomever said some of the poor decisions are the result of inexperience. But throwing picks on three consecutive possessions was a big reason Alabama was able to get back into the game (along with the penalty and subsequent bomb). The first one was a poor throw, but Byrd didn't give him any help by making no effort to break up the int. The second one was too risky a throw deep his own end, although the defender did make a great play. The third was inexcusable and resulted in at least a ten point swing just before half (as soon as it left his hand, I knew it was trouble). He also put a ball on the ground and was fortunate that one of his linemen recovered - that would have cost LSU their opening field goal.

    That said, he had a great second half and showed a lot of character shaking off that awful second quarter.

    PS - Whoever said Mauck was LSU's best QB is suffering from nostalgia. Already mentioned was the int that let Oklahoma back into the NCG. Also worth mentioning is the Mississippi game, especially the opening pick six.
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  3. jesuit_flyer

    jesuit_flyer Founding Member

    Jan 14, 2004
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    It's a shame we can't tie you up to a tackling dummy and let Flynn tee off from 25 yards. I have a feeling you would be issueing a retraction post- haste.
  4. Speedy G

    Speedy G Founding Member

    Nov 23, 2003
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    Yeah, he's perfect. Above reproach. Obviously, those misthrows we've seen this year were caused by invisible flying goblins, b/c Matt Flynn could throw a camel through the eye of a needle.

    It's a shame you can't talk football and choose instead waste people's time with nonsense.
  5. Bandit88

    Bandit88 Old Enough to Know Better

    Aug 25, 2007
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    You want to back that up?

    As often as Flynn throws past 10 yards, and as often as he's had balls flat out dropped by young receivers, I'd say his throwing accuracy is pretty flipping good.

    I'll give you this - he can't flip the ball off his back foot like JR could, and so when he has tried that he has underthrown and gotten picked. But - news flash - not many folks CAN do that. Matt just needs to stop trying.

    I'd be interested in reading a well developed anti-Matt Flynn opinion. All I've seen so far is just whining because he's not perfect. We haven't had a perfect quarterback since Yelberton Abraham Tittle (he may not have been perfect either, but I just thought it would be cool to use his name....).

    :geaux: :geaux: :geaux:
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  6. Crystal_lsu

    Crystal_lsu Founding Member

    Nov 20, 2003
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    I'm keeping my big trap shut on this one! :geaux: :geaux: :LSU231: :LSU231: :geaux: :geaux:

    I'm just glad we won!
  7. Speedy G

    Speedy G Founding Member

    Nov 23, 2003
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    There is an absurd element on this board that equates anything that isn't fawning praise with harsh criticism, or so called "anti-(player x)." It reaches it's zenith w/ Matt Flynn. It's silly and borderline embarrassing.

    What Flynn lacks in accuracy is largely made up for in other areas. That's means he's still a pretty good QB, despite his limitations.

    Watch the games. Accuracy has always been an issue for him. He's always had a tendency to stay underneath some throws, causing balls to sail on him. He often throws slightly behind receivers on crossing patterns (see throw #1 v. Florida). The first int Saturday was at least two full yards inside his intended target. Aside from compiling a video montage, I am not sure what you'd accept as conclusive evidence. All we have are our eyes and the few semi-reliable stats football provides us. How about the fact that seven SEC QB's with 150+ attempts have higher completion percentages. He's ahead of only two QB's with more than 150 attempts. Only one SEC QB has thrown as many interceptions. Yeah, our receivers have dropped a bunch of balls, but there is more to it than that.
  8. Bandit88

    Bandit88 Old Enough to Know Better

    Aug 25, 2007
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    Look - I'm about as objective a person as you'll find (except when I'm talking about myself ;) ) on this board. What is absurd to me (and embarrassing) is how you and a very few others continue to call out Flynn in an 8-1 season where he has kept his cool in tough spots and won the game. Hell, give him Lafell's drops back alone and he's over 60%, has one fewer pick, and is likely 9-0.

    You're exaggerating - if you read my posts or what I write on my blog, I don't fawn praise on anyone, including Matt Flynn. And I'm not of the "don't say anything bad about the Tigers" clan.

    This is my last defense of Flynn against this kind of irrational criticism. You are obviously entitled to your opinion. I just think Flynn deserves a break, especially considering the (lack of) alternatives we have until RP proves he can keep his head on straight.

  9. Speedy G

    Speedy G Founding Member

    Nov 23, 2003
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    Aren't you the guy who compared Flynn to Brett Favre? I think maybe you are overselling your objectivity a bit.

    Nonetheless, it is ridiculous that the slightest criticism is so often equated with "calling out" a player. What's so "irrational" about pointing out that he's not a terribly accuracte passer? There have been successful NFL quarterbacks who haven't been very accurate (e.g. Donovan McNabb). [You should note that in my initial post, I credited him for turning things around and playing a great second half.]

    I'm not sure why he "deserves a break" and I'm not sure why that means we have to pretend he's perfect. He's not that accurate (no, he's not horrible). That's going to cause some inconsistency (the subject of this thread). What's the problem with pointing that out? He's more a playmaker than a surgeon. Is that even a criticism?
  10. COTiger

    COTiger 2010 Bowl Pick 'Em Champ

    Dec 10, 2003
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    You should be hearing from the ASPCA momentarily.

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