The Catholic church should keep it's nose out of issues concerning the sovereignty of this country. If they want to help the mexicans so bad they should send more money down there to them. Not encourage them to come up here illegally.
Replace mexicans with rapist and congress with police officers. Do you see how stupid that sounds. Breaking the law is breaking the law. Here's a solution, build a 15 foot wall from TX to California with a 150 meter buffer zone between us and mexico. Put a .50 cal every 50 meters along the wall, and blast anyone entering the buffer zone. I bet that would deter them from trying to invade our country.
It's against the law to hire illegal aliens. Exactly 4 people were prosecuted for this last year as opposed to almost 500 in 1999. The Bush administration is not enforcing the friggin' law. The illegals come for jobs. If those jobs are legitimate, it is already possible to get a work visa. But US employers hire them for many jobs that US workers could do, they just don't want to pay for it. We could end this illegal problem by simply putting law-breaking employers in jail and fining them heavily. They would quickly begin to hire only citizens or foreigners with work permits. And the Mexicans would have to line up to get the permits because just crossing the border wouldn't get you hired to do anything. It's not just agriculture and domestic labor anymore. Illegal employers are hiring Mexicans to be carpenters, masons, truck drivers and just about every job in the construction business. These are jobs that are impossible to export overseas and are being lost to Americans beacuse the government won't enforce the laws. This administration puts the profits of big business above the wishes and best interests of its citizens. And they are going to pay at the polls.
That's not what is happening. The Church opposes the House bill which would criminalize the Church providing food, clothing, shelter, and education to illegal immigrants and their children. The Church favors an expanded guest worker program, not illegal immigration or anti-immigrant hysteria.
It's not anti-immigrant hysteria. Most of us, if not all, are all for legal immigration. This isn't 1820 anymore. The days of being able to just wonder over and fall into society are over. There is a process now that must be enforced. It is a left wing lie to call us anti-immigration. Some of my best friends have been recent immigrants, and most of them feel the same about this issue as I do. They did it the right way, and expect others to do that also. The way I understand it, the Catholic church doesn't want anyone deported if caught here illegally.
I have no problem with a church spendings its own money to provide food, shelter, and education to impoverished people, even illegals. Such is the role of churches. But the problem comes when about $3 billion a year of taxpayer money is being spent on free education and health care for the children of illegals. I say, tax the employers who hire illegals to cover this expenditure. That will send them out to hire US citizens and legal foreign workers very quickly.
The thing I love is to hear pundits and politicians say illegals are doing the work no American wants to do and that it would hurt our economy if we stop the flow of illegals. Unemployment in the US is 4.7% as of 4/3/2006. Based on the econ classes I took that is almost total employment. When I was in college 5% unemployment was virtually total employment because most of the 5%, most are either cyclical unemployed or would not be employed even if they were offered work. So which jobs are they talking about that would go unfilled if not for illegals?
That's a great point. To answer it is the jobs that Mexicans are lining up in Lowes, Wal-Mart, and Home Depot parking lots to get. And it further points to the fact that illegal immigrants arent taking jobs from Americans. Employers are giving these jobs to illegals for the cheap, tax free labor. The fault is theirs. Also people who are not lookng for work, and wouldnt take it if offered are not part of the workforce, and not counted in unemployment figures. I think seasonal unemployment is also factored out, but am not certain on that one.
If we are at full employment, that doesn't leave any american citizens to take crappy jobs... I don't understand your logic. No more immigrants would definitely hurt our economy... very badly. Construction, landscaping, fruit picking would all be severely damaged.