No we're not.....Next. Stick to that which you know about red. The only thing holding us back, in this war, is people like you and those who are even more to the left.
salty right-wing keep saying stuff like that, but it don't make it true. How can the left hold anything back, especially with this administration?
It is because of the administration that the left wants us to fail in this war. Whatever it takes to regain control. You people have been a worse enemy to this country than those we are currently fighting. The enemy within isn't just a good name for a book. It's true. You, and people like red, that claim to be in the center are just as guilty, if not more so, than the far left. "How can the left hold anything back"?????? The left seems hell bent on destroying this country. What has taken 231 years to build could be undone in just one more liberal presidency. You people are the enemy, home grown, but just as evil as the muslims.
They can listen to my phone calls all they want... im not doing anything that I have to cover up and be secretive about. I hope they keep taps on phones, I want to have a family some day in a SAFE America, not a terror-driven.
How does Red, sitting in his office at LSU, have one bit of impact on the war in Iraq? Since when does dissent or discussion about national policy determine who prevails overseas, unless you're talking about troop levels. If you are talking about troop levels, based on my basic understanding of this, I think Rumsfeld is to blame for his refusal to send overwhelming force. Something about the Powell Doctrine being dead, though it certainly doesn't seem to be. And I'm not being sarcastic here...I'm genuinely curious why you think that. Now if it's something like Jane Fonda in Vietnam, then I completely understand your point.
You sound programmed. Thomas Jefferson said dissent is the highest form of patriotism. The fear you have of liberlas is laughable, and the alarmist mentality is even more so.
I'm sure that Jefferson never imagined dissent on the level we see today. You people sure do love to make that quote, as if it makes everything you say or do OK. What do you think Jefferson would have done to someone burning the flag in front of him? So, you believe that putting down this country, wanting to pull troops out of a war zone so that we will be seen as defeated, and opening up our borders to anyone makes you a patriot? I'm not the one programmed. I disagree with Bush on some issues, and I say when I do. I also support him on many, and say as much then also. You, and a lot of others around here, just disagree with everything he does, no matter what it is. I may have been a little harsh in my other post. I'm sure red is an OK person, he's just confused sometimes.
I think he would have been pissed off, but respected the person's right to free speech, same as me. He participated in similar acts of civil disobediance prior to the revoloutionary war. Show me one post where I have put America down. I love this country. I guess when you have no arguement you make things up. That is not even close to true. I have stated support for Bush on tax cuts, partial birth abortion band, the Teri Schiavo matter, CAFTA, Afganistan, the recent aquatic national preserve, his supreme court nominations, and countless other topics. it has nothing to do with your tone are what you say. It is the silly "with us or against us" attitude. I don't have to agree with everything an incompetant President does to be patriotic.
That's what I'm talking about. You say all of that nice stuff in your post, then end it like this. God forbid someone get the wrong impression, and think that you actually support the president.