That would be a start....just kidding. My wife and I didn't have anything, but each other, when we first married. Our society promotes advancement though hard work and perseverance. Theirs does not. Jihad is their common bond. The individual life has no value in a lot of islamic circles. How many Southern Baptist do you know that would strap explosives on and go blow themselves up? Not many, I'd bet.
1. whether he can "handle" himself or not is not the issue. I was posting to him. it doesn't require your approval. And yes I agree with you you are obvious, no agrument there. 2. I don't want to kill off anybody. I wasnt suggesting kill off all the Muslims, just kill off the Radicals and change the "mindset" that supports it in the rest of the ISLAM religion. In other words Educate those that can be educated. My concern is that the religion itself is tainted and it MAY prove a difficult task. 3. Sorry you don't see the comparison. Appreciate your generosity to be sure. :dis: My comparison was simply that the native Americans were a problem in theory to our western expansion, the ones that were a problem were dealt with, albeit not very pretty. Obviously since there are native americans still around it was not "ethnic cleansing" maybe some would have wished it so. We could not "ethnic" cleanse Muslims anyway. They are represented by many different ethnicitys. (sp? ) So we did not Kill off native americans. I merely suggested that you don't see many uprisings involving native Americans. maybe there is some conclusion to be drawn there, maybe not. Obviously not for you. duly noted, again thanks for your generosity. Like I said it may not meet your criteria, but there it is. Scan the paragraph again for similarities... Muslim radicals ... can be problematic for citizens in the US if allowed to practice their form of religion and terrorism. Native americans were a "problem" to frontiersmen and western expansion... it doesn't matter who was right or wrong... we are who we are... survivial isn't right or wrong, it just IS. I see your point, there are many ways they arent alike, but in the fact that we had to do what we did.... was the comparison... it's a valid one. a huff? LOL what is a Huff? friend if you are impling that I am mad or in some way upset, let me help you with your terminolgy... amused would be closer to accurate. Again the more things change, the more they remain the same.
I agree. But I was talking about the Arab American Muslim community. The black, militant, Nation of Islam is all kinds of scary. True Well, according to the Quoran we can convert, pay a tribute, or die.
Wow, now this is a concept!!! So why don't we give away Fema and all other trailers to these Muslim countries and have the UN pay for them? This is a win win situation for the USA, we'd be making money and looking like good guys, I like the concept. I'm not for giving anything away until we take care of America first. We've given quite enough away and still get a bad rap from the world. Is it possible to go into these countries and change the hearts and minds of the people? Is it possible to change the hearts and minds of those that say Jihad? I doubt it.
It is impossible to separate the culture from the religion in the majority of Muslim countries. The two are inextricably linked, and it's foolish to simply blame it all on economics. It comes down to an inherent inability for self-rule, resulting in dictatorships that only cement the Muslim beliefs that the Western (read: Christian) world is the cause of their problems. In reality, there are multiple causes of their problems, including a religion that frowns on free enterprise, a tendency to live in areas that don't have basic resources (read: desert), and being pretty low on the chain of human development (see Supa's point re: being 50 years off the camel.) So, while pushing freedom and Democracy does seem like the best way to battle extremism, it's also like pushing a rope.
That's a good one. You're probably right. Let's just bomb the crap out of 'em. Call it plan "B". :hihi:
I'm for plan A first and I absolutely have no problems with plan B since it use to be my Plan A. I'm mellowing out a little since I am becoming middle aged?:dis: :grin:
But that's the whole crux of the situation. I absolutely think that the extremists should be terminated, at least the ones with the intent to harm others. However, as I noted, the more that happens, the more it seems the moderates are prodded into extremism...thus exacerbating the problem. I don't know if brute force can change a mindest. That's something that has to come from within a culture. I still think that's a laughable comparison at best. The Natives had no militant idealogy provoking their actions, and didn't wish to exterminate all who didn't think like them. Again, they acted out of self-preservation, much like the Israelis. Western expansion had nothing to do with survival on our part, only getting richer. And right vs wrong has EVERYTHING to do with it. Some of the ways we dealt with the Native Americans is every bit as sick and deplorable as the manner in which terrorists operate. If anything, the settlers were more like the terrorists...
but I thought it was important to spread freedom and democracy and give the poor Muslims a chance at a better life.