this is the stupid and inefficient and expensive way to provide crappy care. everyone. then why does every state need to spend tons on covering kids? that leaves kids from certain cheap and ruthless GOP controlled states SOL. maybe those kids will cry you a river [/QUOTE]
The media has been trying very hard for the last few presidential elections to determine the outcome and it looks like they may finally be successful. What does that say for our country when the media selects our president - OR - people are so shallow that they actually believe the media. :nope:
Fox is conservative, but if you look at their news programs there is no way you can say Fox is in the tank with McCain. They have been diligent in presenting both candidates fairly. There are individual news analysts such as Hannity who are strong McCain backers, but taken as a whole Fox has been pretty balanced in its reporting.
Yes, what they want to provide is beyond reasonable - I agree. I do like Obama's focus on preventitive care though. Our lack of focus on preventitive care in this country is a primary reason the system sucks so much, and if we provided it to everyone the costs of healthcare would drop.
Balanced with $700+ Billion is spending cuts. Indeed. McCain will face gridlock, while Obama can make things happen.
No, you're simply trying to find a scapegoat in the media. By your argument, the media also elected Bush in 200 and 2004! This election is going to be determined by the mess that the republicans have made for themselves.
[/QUOTE] I think you are telling your answer by the way you are asking the question. Most would say no if they were asked in this way. But if you change the question to "Would you rather the US government spend your tax dollars on helping people in other countries by policing the world, or use that money to provide every American with healthcare?" I dont think many would not choose the healthcare. It's the same question. We are gonna pay the taxes pretty much no matter what, at least use the money for Americans.
Many of those "spending cuts" are vague non specific cuts. For example, "Implemented Unspecified Cuts to Slow Spending $50 billion." History should tell you that government spending increases normally have little to no resistance. On the contrary, real government spending cuts are met with stiff opposition and are rare. Fixed it for you.
Even if you are anyone was naive enough to believe the $700 billion in spending cuts would materialize there's still an additional $300 billion that's not paid for. This is on top of a proposed $490 billion shortfall in 09 plus the $800 billion bailout bill.:dis: