McCain blew this agreement up yesterday, he shot back with the other House republicans who are against the agreement that was made yesterday. They want less regulation in this bail out and they want to provide corporate tax breaks for these companies, so they can inject cash into the economy. Heres the problem with that, they dont have any cash. I think they are really playing politics, when alot of the republicans and democrats had an agreement yesterday. That isnt putting country first imo.
No candidate is going to be 100% of your personal views, except the inevitable partisan sheep. Moderates have to make compromises to find a candidate that meets most of our criteria. Because of this I believe it is important to pick the smartest candidate, a multi-tasker that can reason his way through the stuff that's coming his way. Being handed a war and an impending depression will test the next President severely. I think we need someone more perceptive and intellectually nimble than the elderly McCain.
Yeah, I've actually looked into his career . . . something you should do yourself. Raving about "commmunists" and "socialism" isn't convincing anybody. Prove your point.
Red...your argument loses credibility when you throw in "elderly". If you don't believe McCain is "intellectually nimble" that's fine but your dig at his age paints you as being one of the "partisan sheep" you claim to despise. You can do better! take the quiz. maybe it will help sort out some of the candidates positions on the issues. i actually agreed with obama on a couple......does that make me a moderate?
I'm serious. I supported McCain wholeheartedly in 2000. But I think he's too old for the job, now. I can see less mental acuity, more stodginess, less physically fitness, and there are some very serious medical issues. I think he's too set in his ways for the kind of political agility that will be needed to run a 21st century Superpower. It's a legitimate issue to be the oldest man to ever run for President. People have doubts.
Well if Obama smokes and his parents died at an early age, are you worried Obama may have health-related issues? Will you criticize someone if they don't vote for him based on that?
Hey Red...Senator Robert Byrd (D-WV), the Appropriations Committee Chairman is currently on C-Span2. When did he die? Ooops...I'm sorry. He's not actually dead. He just nodded off. If we're concerned with age...we need to go ahead and bury him now! :hihi:
Vote on whatever criteria you choose. You're talking about potential health-related issues in a man in his 40's. I'm talking about an established cancer victim in his 70's. Spell out Obama's medical problems if you think they are an issue.
I just know that one party always claims to be the party of inclusion and yet now has a problem with age and a working/family woman. That seems hypocritical to me. I know John MCain won't have to worry about Sickle Cell Anemia.