I'm mad as hell, and I'm not taking it anymore...

Discussion in 'The Tiger's Den' started by TigerEducated, Nov 25, 2003.

  1. miketiger

    miketiger Founding Member

    Oct 14, 2002
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    Being in the night club business for 25 years and experiencing some near riots, I really think the cops did an ok job. Who has time to have a beta club debate in the middle of a near riot? He quickly identified opposing sides and seperated them. The language was maybe not the best choice but he was taking control the quickest & best way he could. Being a coonass the word does not offend me anyway.
  2. TigerEducated

    TigerEducated Founding Member

    Feb 18, 2003
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    Ramah just doesn't get it...He's looking at one tree at a time, when I'm pointing out an entire forest...It's difficult to try to deal with what seems to be ignorance...but, I think he's ignoring my point on purpose because he knows-just as I do-that Bertman has overextended himself on this subject.

    Bertman has gone so far as to get Matt Mauck to get up on the Jumbo-Trons and plead with fans for good behavior, and I think that's absolutely uncalled for. To see this advertisement before every game, to see full page ads taken out in the Advocate, all in the name of "hoping" we act better towards opposing fans is ludicrous, just absolutely ludicrous...

    What idiot who is going to treat fans from other teams poorly is going to read the Sports Section advertisement and say, "Gee, I better be on my best behavior."

    Or, "I think I'm going to turn over a new leaf this Saturday, and not turn over any more Port-O-Lets!"

    What sauced up pinhead is going to see Matt Mauck on the Jumbo-Tron and decide to straighten up and fly right?

    That's right-NO ONE IS! The people he's trying to reach are a minority of fans, and they're not going to change, no matter the means through which we try to rehabilitate or get them to change.

    The only means through which we can do something is through self-policing, and having local law enforcement crack down on it.

    But, no, we get national campaigns and advertisements and quarterbacks reading off cue cards, all painting LSU fans in a bad light, and doing much worse for our reputation both around the conference and the rest of the nation than any isolated poor sportsmanship amongst fans of LSU ever did...

    Now we get verified actions that are much worse than anything Bertman's EVER seen connected to an LSU home game, and I guarantee you this is is a page 3 type of situation, one that won't even get handled or dealt with, even though it's much, much worse...

    Just goes to show the hypocrisy of the Administration...

    But, Ramah, after having had it explained to him 20 times now over the past 24 hours, just doesn't quite comprehend the point I'm making...

    Makes you sigh...
  3. tigerlaw

    tigerlaw Founding Member

    Oct 6, 2003
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    I completely agree with you TE. Regardless of whether or not the police were justified in thier actions, there should be an investigation. Skip needs to show that he's on our side this time. What he did to us with that cyber-side chat a couple of months ago was a slap in the face of the "99.9%" of LSU fans who act reasonably. There were so many ways he could've approached this problem (if it even is a problem). He could've said somehting like: "Anyone breaking the law will be punished, it doesn't matter who you're pulling for." Instead, Skip felt compelled to admonish the LSU fans in general and basically call us drunks. This is OUR AD. We need to make sure that he is on OUR side and this incident at Ole Miss would be a great time for him to show where his loyalties lie. I like Skip and I know he sees dollar signs in his sleep because its part of his job, but its time for him to wake up and see that he's loosing the fans.
  4. tigerlaw

    tigerlaw Founding Member

    Oct 6, 2003
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    Great point. You see, that's a good solution: more police patrols. I think the police do an excellent job on game days, but couldn't we spare a few to patrol problem areas a little more?
  5. ramah

    ramah Founding Member

    Sep 13, 2001
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  6. ramah

    ramah Founding Member

    Sep 13, 2001
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    Bertman has taken the appropriate action ... in a conference wide problem. Arrests have increased and your "self-policing" comment is spot on.

    Bertman has a business to run ... as cost-effectively as he can.

    These added patrols cost money ... a good PR campaign by LSU here ... and self-policing is the way.

    I know 2 things ... you gotta put people in a "win-win" situation for problems like these to resolve themselves.

    And, anytime you mix alcohol and large groups of rowdy folks, you're gonna have problems ... it's a Mardi Gras atmosphere every Saturday at Tiger Stadium ... Bertie's job is just to keep the lid on the zoo ... other than that ... I just don't get your point.
  7. MikeD

    MikeD Sports Genius

    Sep 5, 2002
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    Somehow we get this horrible reputation but it seems like all these "fights" are in someone else's back yard. The locals at away games just can't take it when a bunch of LSU fans invade their town in support of the team. So they start getting all pissy and offensive when LSU fans are there for a good time, and our fans end up standing up for themselves and fights happen.

    A easy question, when is the last time that there has been a giant fight before an LSU home game? I certainly can't remember one. Our fans can get along with visiting fans but when we are the visitors we get treated in hospitable.

    Now, you tell me who has the horrible fans.
  8. Peach

    Peach Freshman

    Aug 28, 2003
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    After reading your posts, I think I comprehend your point. However I don't know if Skip will. Your posts seem to center on criticism of Skip's PR job (and I agree with your criticism), but your email to Skip seems to only barely hint at your opinion of his Cyber Side Chats, etc. Instead, your email is only asking him to launch an inquiry into the Oxford officer's behavior. Do you really expect Skip to do this? (I am not being facetious here.) At the most (and I don't even know if this is appropriate), one could ask Skip to make a personal call to the AD at Ole Miss about this. Then maybe he would want to look into the matter. However you are still talking about one officer who is a member of the Oxford (not Ole Miss) force. For one school's AD to launch an inquiry into another town's police force may be stepping over the line.
  9. ramah

    ramah Founding Member

    Sep 13, 2001
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    shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, don't tell him anything, peach ... the Germans just bombed Pearl Harbor ... he's on a roll.
  10. OrlandoLSUFan

    OrlandoLSUFan Freshman

    Nov 19, 2003
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    The Oxford Eagle removed the article about this incident. I checked the archives, and yesterday's is the only one that cannot be accessed.

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