Is this the same red who chastised me in another thread about "misrepresentating facts?" Who is now portraying two men kissing each other on the cheek (a common greeting in many, many cultures around the world) and misrepresenting it as two men kissing on the lips (not so common as a cultural greeting outsided the gay community)? Say it ain't so!
I frankly don't agree with the thread starter, but his post was not "I'm done with this fruitcake and it doesn't matter that Bush did it too." Just sayin'...
Come on . . . the guy was saying things like "if freakin America does not wake up now, it never will" and that unlike the last four presidents, Obama was not his CinC. I wasn't dissing a muslim custom obviously, did you see the Dubya quotes? I was pointing out that the last president also was respectful of Islam as a religion. It was a comparison designed to spotlight a biased condemnation of the same respect from Obama.
total fruitcakes that we are done with so far: 2 you are right of course, but try not to distract us. ignoring fruitcakes is serious business.
I didn't even address Bama's statement, one way or the other. And the quotes from W you gave made your point. But, IMO, you do your credibility no favors when you attempt to reinforce a valid point with manufactured evidence. Especially when you are quick to point out the slightest errors in other people's arguments.
Actually he said: His anger is misplaced, however. A Commander in Chief should not be investigating intelligence personnel and should not be outlawing EITs.
Are you kidding? A 4yr old could tell they were photoshopped. Not 100% sure, but I think Red knew this and figured anyone with half a brain would know as well. I took it as a parody, not Red intentionally trying to 'manufacture evidence'.
updated fruitcake "done with" chart person ------ fruitcake they are done with red ------- the OP the OP ---- obama mctiger ----- red fanatic ----- mctiger sabanfan --- dan rather it is a tangled web of fruitcakes and people done with them. for the record i still like fruitcakes.