Illegal immigrant trying to be a lawyer

Discussion in 'Free Speech Alley' started by southerntgr, Apr 24, 2012.

  1. martin

    martin Banned Forever

    for an attorney you are making a poor argument. the rstrictiveness relative to other countries is not relevant. we are also more free and richer than most other countries. we could afford to be more of both.

    we need immigrants. we have people who need them to work for us. we want to give them jobs. we should welcome them and make them citizens and collect their taxes and wish them the best. (unless they are muslim lunatics and even then they wont be after a generation or 2)
  2. Bud Lee

    Bud Lee Call me buttercup

    If you looked at a gallon of milk that had a $8 price tag on it, you would say to yourself it is overpriced. Why would you say that, because other markets only sale it for $5. Same thing with laws. When you are looking at the restrictiveness of a law…you look at other laws in comparison.You have to have immigration laws. They are meant to “weed” out undesirables, and compared to what you have to do in other countries it is very easy to get a visa or green card here.

    You say our laws are overly restrictive. What are you basing that on? I know three people that have been naturalized within the past 5 years, it is not that hard. You pay your fee, you show that you have a working knowledge of our language, take a test that a six grader can pass, and BOOM…you’re in. That is as long as you don’t have a criminal record or something that makes you undesirable. The other way to do it is get over here and pop a baby out, no other country allows you that option.

    As far as us “needing” immigrants…we needed immigrants back in the day when we needed to stake a claim to California before the Russians could take it. We don’t “need” immigrants today. It is nice to have them, and I welcome anyone that wants to come here via the legal channels but we don't "need" them.
  3. tigerchick46

    tigerchick46 Quick Learner

    Hey..........That's Copyright Infringement!
  4. Bud Lee

    Bud Lee Call me buttercup

    Sue me.....
  5. martin

    martin Banned Forever

    thats not a point. when you buy milk you want the cheap price. you dont necessarily want the most restrictive immigration policy.

    i live in the most ethnically and culturally diverse neighborhood on earth. i know immigrants. they do well here and they want citizenship. they want to work, and people want to hire them.

    its not that easy and i kow plenty of russian strippers that will pay you to let them marry you for citizenship.

    we need them. we need them to pick our fruit. we need them to roof our homes. thats why people hire them. our workforce is way woo old and we need young workers.
  6. Bud Lee

    Bud Lee Call me buttercup

    Agreed...but ours is not the most restrictive policy and that is all I was saying when we started this conversation.

    Never said they didn’t want citizenship….never said immigrants don’t do well here. In fact, I believe that I said I welcome all of those that come to this country in through the proper legal channels. I had a friend that came here on a work visa, stayed for five years, worked hard, and now he is back in Veracruz. He worked so hard and saved so much he had enough to open up his own restaurant down there. Hell of a guy. I plan on looking him up when I go down there.

    Illegal Immigration causes a lot of problems. For example, they get taken advantage of in the work place a lot and are afraid to act out of fear of being deported. Then there is always the problem of trying to settle a civil matter between am illegal alien and a citizen. It is almost impossible to sue an undocumented worker.

    Another perfect example of how easy it is to become a citizen...enter into a marriage with a citizen for 5 years or so and BOOM you are in.

    Bull, our workforce is fine. I live in rural Louisiana and there are plenty of young men and woman that are US citizens that work on the farms and construction sites. They may ask for a little more to put up a roof or pick some fruit but they are out there. Hell, I’ve done it to feed my family for awhile.

    That is not to say they don't contribute...they do. It is always good to have new ideas and people to move in.
  7. LaSalleAve

    LaSalleAve when in doubt, mumble

  8. red55

    red55 curmudgeon Staff Member

    That is fine as long as they are legal and go through the immigration process so that we can cull the criminals, drug addicts, those with communicable disease, terrorists, spies, and other dregs of society that no country wants including us. it is th illegals that need to be dealt with.
  9. martin

    martin Banned Forever

    correct. i just read "tomatoland" and it alleges that our entire agriculture industry is basically sustained by illegal labor and abuse of immigrants. give these cats an easier and quicker path to legality and they will have legal footing to stand on when abused by their employers.

    i dunno the exact number of people we should let in, but its more thn we do now.

    lets pretend for a second that we give a damn about something besides ourselves. the best way to help humankind is to maximize the number of folks living in proper first world capitalist democracies. we can either bomb crap countries and invade them and force capitalism and democracy (these are the only things that can save the world) or allow them to come join us.
  10. red55

    red55 curmudgeon Staff Member

    Most people would agree with this. If it wasn't such a hassle to go through the legal process, there would not be so many illegals.

    You can't invade and force capitalism and democracy on anybody, witness Iraq and Afghanistan. You certainly can't bomb third-world countries into the first world. The people have to want it and make it happen themselves, as we did in our own revolution.

    But we could certainly build more immigration centers in Mexico and expedite getting the agricultural workers over.

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