Throwing a lot of strikes. Pitching very efficeiently. Except for the 3 hit batters. LSU pitching putting it into high gear at the right time. Although this is not much of a lineup to go up against, but still, you still have to execute your pitches.
He brought that up because, during the little b*itch fest there, someone was complaining about Zeringue getting thrown out on a steal attempt.
7 hits, 9 Ks, 15 or 16 hits for the Tigers and no errors. Looks like Bumstead tomorrow and, hopefully, Mestepay on Sunday if we win tomorrow afternoon.
falls squarely on the players themselves. happened all the time with Skip as well or were you there? Same as bunting can teach at practice all day it wont make them execute it if they do it differently at gametime. Game was good.... Walk-Ons is packed.
God help Nick Saban if he drops 2 games this season. New coach for the baseball team would ridiculous , thank god Skip calls the shots.
Your so right about that, of course all of the idiota calling for Smoke's head will say they wouldn't dare call for Saban's head, until we lose 2 or 3 of course or when the QB throws a few picks because that will definitely be Saban's fault, just like it's Smoke's fault when Harris or one of them gets picked off. Then they'll want to hire the next hottest coach in the market, probably the guy from Utah.