1. Early?
  2. Earl Campbell was a beast and would have been a beast in any "system" Crabtree is good, but put him as a wideout at ole miss....what do you have? Put Earl Campbell in there backfield and guess what, you still have a freakn beast that would be a heisman candidate.....End of story. Probably could have picked a better candidate for uour argument.
    I still can picture him running through ALL of the LA Rams on 1 run...to bad he was a bit used up when he and Bum went to the Saints.
  3. HS! Zing, powned et al!:hihi:

    Sorry I missed this one yesterday...
  4. Oh Snap! Damn good stats....interesting.
  5. Let's wait to see where Crabtree ends up before we say end of story. You could put Campbell on the AU teams coached by tater tot and had an ineffective back. While Stephen Davis was no Campbell, he wasn't a slouch, and that is what tater tot's system did for him. Smart players go where their talents can be maximized.

    The point, anyway, is that if TTU had really great receivers the "system" would be effective against anyone. Marginal players still keep TTU scoring points against elite competition, elite players would make the system dominating. I will say that TTU is getting better players, and many of their losses are because of a D as ineffective as the O is effective.

    Leach's style isn't the only effective one out there and all teams will suffer a loss. I just tire of everyone dismissing TTU stats because it is a system, but love the old Nebraska\OU\UT\bama systems that did have elite players, no scholarship restrictions, and would put up 700 of offense. I never heard anyone say put Joe Washington at Ole Miss and see if his numbers would be as good.
  6. Can we at least agree on this point: If LSU is going to win the SEC Championship and play for a national title, the young and mistake-prone receivers are going to have to improve drastically? And quickly?

  7. If we really need to get back on topic, well yeah....that would be accurate.:)
  8. The problem with the young receivers at LSU is that Crowton's offense involves alot of check-offs... these young guys haven't picked it up yet... Wonder why? Well, look at how many of LSU's receivers were also very questionable for qualifying.
  9. Qualifying for what? Their football knowledge test. I'm sure these guys are more willing to learn a football playbook than a history book. There are a lot of dumb pro athletes that do just fine.
  10. and LSU's D was a sieve so they needed to pass.