However, if ND makes it into the game for some ironically UnGodly reason, you'll need to submit a statement of all contributions to the Church in order to qualify.
sad but true. You can't even get season tickets. My neighbor is an alumni and he said he has to put in a request for each game. Kinda like our away game lottery system. You also have to donate X amount of dollars to be added to the lottery. They offically say the amount doesn't matter. He donates the minimum (I think like $200) and he only got two to the ND-Army game....while his friend got tickets to about 5 games including Michigan....his friend is a doctor so there you go....
So wait as a student you can only get 1 ticket to the BCS???? I am praying they allow us to get atleast 2, so me and my dad can go ( i buy the tix and he pays for flight and room =) ). Sigh, i hope they allow us to pick up 2 student.
i'm not a season ticket holder, that being said what would be the most cost effective way to get tickets?
anybody can request through now...just dont request 8 and expect to get 8...two is prob what you will get
thanks i called lsu and placed a request for 2 tickets to either the rose/orange bowls. i'm not crazy about the capital one bowl.
Thats weird, i haven't gotten any emails yet about the bowls and i am a student, they usually send that information AFTER we are selected to a bowl game......let me know if i am wrong, i've done this since i was a freshmen and went to the Sugar Bowl