If we beat UGA as bad as Kerry beat Bush tonight...

Discussion in 'Free Speech Alley' started by Rex, Sep 30, 2004.

  1. StaceyO

    StaceyO Football Turns Me On

    Oct 7, 2003
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    Kerry talked in circles and didn't spell out his "plan." He contridicted himself multiple times, as well.
  2. G_MAN113

    G_MAN113 Founding Member

    Nov 10, 2003
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    From what little I watched, I caught Kerry flip-flopping on Iraq once again during the course of the debate. He said that knowing what he knows now, he wouldn't have gone in...a complete reversal of what he said less than 2 months ago. I'm just sorry Pres. Bush didn't call him on it.

    David Limbaugh brought out a good point in his column the other day...all this
    flip-flopping actually benefits Kerry...people tend to stay confused by the wishy-washiness, and that helps to disguise the fact that he is basically a dishonest person.
  3. MarineTiger

    MarineTiger Founding Member

    Aug 30, 2004
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    And the bitch returns
  4. G_MAN113

    G_MAN113 Founding Member

    Nov 10, 2003
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    I've noticed that about Rex...he comes in, makes a totally asinine comment, gets his ass handed to him, and then you don't see him for a while. A pretty
    cowardly poster.
  5. red55

    red55 curmudgeon Staff Member

    Oct 21, 2002
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    Early poll on the morning TV shows were showing something like:

    Kerry won = 47%
    Bush won = 36%
    Tied = 17%

    That sounds about right. Kerry was smooth and articulate and Bush was likable and forthright. I thought it was close, but Kerry came off better on the issues. Bush performed better than I expected, though. The economy debate should be interesting.
  6. SabanFan

    SabanFan The voice of reason

    Oct 21, 2002
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    Bush came off better than you expected because it's obvious that Bush knows what's going on in the world and Kerry thinks he knows what's going on. Take North Korea, for example. Kerry seemed to be totally oblivious to the fact that China, Japan and Russia are keeping Il sul whatever the f*** his name is in check and to involve America in the mix would be counter productive. Bush based this upon his personal knowlege of the situation. Kerry spouts off that we should have bilateral discussions (I assume he means US and NK one on one) and Bush made it clear that that strategy just won't work.
  7. DDTigerFan

    DDTigerFan Back from the Dead

    Feb 9, 2003
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    I would call the debate a draw. Kerry needs to learn how to speak to the American public while Bush needs to learn how to sound like the President and not some redneck. If they could just meet in the middle they would finally have the right way of speaking to the American public. Bush kept going back to "mixed signals" which got a little old, and Kerry needed to wipe his smirk off his face while listening to Bush. I don't want a smartass in office, I want someone who is fit to run this country. Kerry knew he had ground to make up so he came out firing, but alot of the things he said he just threw out there and never went back to them or backed them up. Kerry really needed a stronger performance if he wants to win this election. With that being said, I still don't think I'm voting for either one of these guys.
  8. tiger fan 2001

    tiger fan 2001 Founding Member

    Nov 3, 2003
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    Kerry's likes to shoot out pie in the sky ideas and see what he gets back. My plan is this or that. No you proposed outcome is this or that you have no plan. If you do spell it out. How would you reduce or stop or what ever you would do with Nuclear Weapons in 4 years. How much would it cost. Where is the money coming from? What resources or you going to use? WHAT, WHERE, HOW, c'mon kerry spell it out. :po: :angry: :dis:
  9. red55

    red55 curmudgeon Staff Member

    Oct 21, 2002
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    Well, it ain't obvious to me, amigo. I think Bush has a very poor grasp of world politics. The US President is no longer concerned with being a world leader. It's us against everybody. This will hurt us in the future.

    If the only issue at stake here was the US talking tough and walking tough, then Bush would be our man for sure. But the economy, the middle east, US jobs, the deficit, the unprecedented national debt, the war on the real covert terrrorists, and other important issues like the impending collapse of Social Security aren't getting handled well by this President at all.
  10. uscpuke

    uscpuke Founding Member

    Nov 30, 2003
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    2 points - I think taking the necessary steps to protect ourself is 10 times as important as playing grab ass with the France and Gemany's of the world. Yes it would be nice if they all of a sudden came to realize appeasement does not mean **** to these guys....Oh wait, didn't Russia just state that THEY were now going to fight a preemptive battle against terror after the slaughter of 200 their children?? If it did not happen on their soil, do you really expect them to join this fight?

    The next point is Social Security. Republicans for years have tried to state the reality of this situation, but all they get in response is fear mongering by the democrats. Every time someone even mentions this issue (insert Alan Greenspan recently and Newt Gingrich in the past) they are demonized by the left. It sucks but SS will one day collapse and I along with millions of others will not see one red cent of the money I have been chucking into that well. At least Bush has tried to allow people like me to place some of that into my own savings program so that I am not totally throwing my money/future away. :angry:

    The only other solution the democrats can come up with is tax, tax, tax. And when that happens I don't want to hear one peep out of any liberal pie hole.

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