After 9-11, I'm not laughing, we want everyone to love us, even our enemies and we will go to any length to do it! Gitmo, certain senators wants these terrorists released to their countries. I was talking about myself, faith wise in this country, to many softees who wants to kiss everyones behind.
The whole pendulum thing is getting old, red. You say things are never cut and dry. You say that they are never black and white. Well, the pendulum theory doesn't always prove true either. Never count out the human spirit. I do not believe that American society will degrade to the point where good, honest, God fearing people will not have a voice. Not again anyway. I don't agree with every decision that Pres. Bush makes. I am not that politically correct. I do believe, however, that he is the man that God wants there at this time. As long as we continue to fight for what is right, and follow His path as a nation, God will continue to provide good leaders for us.
I say we vote Jesse The Body Ventura for president in 2008 and allow the ass whoopings commence. What we need is a person that is willing to stand up and break the mold. God I would love to see a "Long" type come up and challenge the parties. But it isnt enough to sit hear and bitch about it. You want change you want the swinging ball to stop, then do something. The real problem with this country is that the people have lost their way. We are so use to just taking whatever **** is feed to use and be content. We have become a country of YES men, yeah we may disagree with what is going on but rarely does anyone do anything about it. I am not saying we should go back to the life of the 60's, because that was way to extreme, but I feel alot of the free spirit of the country as a whole died with the end of the 60's. We need alittle bit of that back. The problem with all that though is it will never happen, mainly because we are to scaried to jump off the ledge and take the chance. As a whole we are scaried to stand up for what we know is right, and are completely content in believing in what we are told is right eventhough deep down we may feel it is wrong. I am very proud of my country and the things that we have always stood for, that is why I choose to fight and give my life if need be for its defense. But with the current trends and the ways of life in which we allow ourseleves to live sometimes makes me wonder just why do these *******s deserve my life and my friends lives, why do we feel the honor and need to surrender all that we have when there are people out there that dont give a ****, that look down upon us when it is us that are fighting for their very lives and lifesytles that they take for granted. As much as I love this country I do feel though that maybe we have come to far to the edge of the line and the only way to fix it is to start over. As much as I would like to I dont see one leader being able to change the damage already done.
Well, I appreciate your passion for your beliefs. But all natural systems seek equilibrium. This country has not taken a radical, permanent turn to the right any more than it took a left hand turn under Clinton. Our course wavers around the centerline. It is the nature of American politics to be so and it is just not going to turn to one philosophy and just keep going forever. It ignores all history to expect this. I'm not exactly sure what you are suggesting here, but I think it is a mistake to presume God cherishes a person but not those who differ with his politics. He always has. And leaders have come from all positions on the poltical spectrum. I expect that this pattern will continue.