If Israel Bombed Iran...Would U.S. Attack?

Discussion in 'Free Speech Alley' started by Cajun Sensation, Feb 23, 2010.

  1. red55

    red55 curmudgeon Staff Member

    You'd be surprised, junior.

    Do you mind if I ask how old your are? Or should I say . . . how young. Let me point out that this statement is not an argument! It's a diatribe, and a particularly childish string of insults at that. You are attempting to make yourself sound authoritative by putting down anyone who disagrees with you. Any adult can tell you that this only makes you look foolish, but you will learn this in time.

    Meanwhile, try to remember that this is a forum for discussion, its not a platform for you to disparage and insult other members. We debate issues here. When you get off the issues and try to turn it into a personal rant, then YOU LOSE.

    You make it impossible to address any points you make because I'm simply not going to plow through your tons of ridculous defamation and personally derogatory rhetoric. In fact I'm about a half inch from putting you on my ignore list and be done with you.

    Yes, I see that I can ignore you without fear of missing anything interesting, new guy. You're not going to last long here, anyway. I can't imagine who would be interested in wasting time responding to you. Since you have posted about 50 insults above, I feel like I can respond that I consider you to be the biggest fool we have ever had in Free Speech Alley . . . and that is saying a lot.
  2. red55

    red55 curmudgeon Staff Member

    Aircraft of the Six Day War

  3. spikke

    spikke Veteran Member

    Let me point out that my age or, indeed, our respective ages are completely irrelevant. Nevertheless, intellectually at least with respect to Israel and lord knows what else, you fully embrace, accept, and promote as reality what is obviously hate propaganda and ludicrous lies meant to vilify and demonize Israel and Jews without the necessary critical analysis that leads most reasonable people to reject and dismiss outright as garbage, and this couldn’t happen unless you are 1) totally ignorant of the history of Israel and Jews, and 2) thoroughly conditioned to accept leftwing propaganda without reservation because you are a thoroughly inculcated leftwing ideologue. Indeed, it couldn’t be anymore obvious.

    Actually, it is a very accurate observation. Dude read your own absurd renditions of Israeli history and then go study history books; it couldn’t be anymore obvious that your ignorance’s have been exploited to the hilt. I’m not attempting to do anything. I am merely pointing out that what you have written at least with respect to Israel and Jews is totally absurd, ridiculous, and unworthy of debate.

    Oh now speaking the truth is construed as being insulting. Please, you couldn’t attempt to be anymore politically correct! Indeed, this is like condemning anyone speaking the truth about Islam and Muslims as being Islamaphobes; it is like taking political correctness to the extreme and absurd in order to silence the debate. It may work with other political correct loons, but it won’t work with me since I’m sorry but I’m totally immune to political correctness.

    Dude if you want to debate absurd hate propaganda, go debate it with Muslim propagandists or with other leftwing ideologues like you, but please leave me out of it. That isn’t the sort of leftwing brain damage I feel I should subject myself to.

    Moreover if you haven’t been thoroughly inculcated to hate Jews and Israel, then why are you vilifying and demonizing Israel by bringing up Jonathon Pollard? It can only be because you are a radical leftwing ideologue who has been thoroughly inculcated to accept leftwing propaganda without critical analysis and without reservation.

    Indeed, it’s rare that I have run across individuals like you that adhere to leftwing orthodoxy so rigidly, and for pointing out what is so palpable to anyone who has read your garbage, you want to condemn me as being insulting. Dude…the truth to you and all leftwing politically correct ideologues like you is insulting!

    Please give me a break and I could care less if I hurt your feelings. As a matter of fact, if you learned to rationalize instead of emoting, you wouldn’t care about your hurt feelings.

    Damn…in a previous thread you already claimed that you had put me on your ignore list! You mean you haven’t done it yet?

    Dude…pointing out the truth is not insulting, unless you are an exceedingly politically correct leftwing ideologue. Stop emoting and learn to rationalize, but most of all stop accepting leftwing orthodoxy without critical analysis.

    Anyway, see the above for a classic example of some of the sort of absurd leftwing anti-Semitic claptrap you have swallowed without critical analysis and spew without reservation, and there are no excuses for ignorance!

    “Yeah right…get rid of those dastardly Jews living in the Middle East and peace will suddenly sprout up all over the world. Moreover, we need to get rid of those pesky neo-cons that have a propensity to hijack our foreign policy for Israel’s interests as well. Indeed, the Jews also control Hollywood, all the banks, and the news media as well. And that mega Jewish lobby, AIPAC, is super influential and enormously powerful even though it is outnumbered 1000 to 1 by Muslim lobbies with much deeper pockets, and as we all know, per the Protocols of the Elders of Zion, the Jews also are plotting to take over the world!”
  4. spikke

    spikke Veteran Member

    First off, get over yourself.
  5. OkieTigerTK

    OkieTigerTK Tornado Alley

    actually, i was wondering what your age is.

    now before you go off on that question, it is not intended as snark. it is completely relevant to a lot of arguments. age gives an idea of generational experiences and viewpoints. knowing someones age sometimes brings light to ideas or arguments.

    BAY0U BENGAL I'm a Chinese Bandit


    In all honesty, I'm not looking for a pissing match. Just wondering what your two favorite phrases meant... your definition, not a website. Not sure why all the hostility.
  7. tirk

    tirk im the lyrical jessie james

    secondly if you use the word inculcate one more time, i will come and behead you myself, joobilicious.

    BAY0U BENGAL I'm a Chinese Bandit

  9. flabengal

    flabengal Founding Member

    Don't know about the protocols but as far as lobbies go I can't believe the Muslims have more influence in Washington than the Jewish lobby.

    Pat Buchanan, hardly a left-wing propagandists, once referred to Congress as "Israeli occupied territory".

    The US has stood in the way of several UN condemnations of Israeli actions. I am not aware of the US doing the same for a Muslim country.

    I would also be willing to bet my life that in the last 50 years there have been more Jewsish individuals working in positions of influence in the White House than Muslims.

    Whether or not this is good or bad is open to debate but the Jewish influence is certainly bigger than the Muslims.
  10. spikke

    spikke Veteran Member

    Proof positive that you swallow propaganda without any critical analysis.

    Give me a break! In case you don’t already know, Pat Buchanan, like Ron Paul, is a very paranoid and rabid anti-Semitic bigot, Jew hater, and infamous Israel demonizer. Moreover, unlike the fringe kooks who claim to be conservatives, the vast overwhelming majority of conservatives fully support Israel, and kooks like Buchanan and Paul only deserve to be marginalized on the fringes, which for the most part they are.

    The enormously powerful 57 country strong Organization of Islamic Conference (OIC) voting block wields enormous power and influence in the UN and also throughout the world, and for all intents and purposes over the years they have managed to effectively turned the UN into a tool used by them to vilify and demonize Israel in their never ending jihad and endless campaign to delegitimize the state of Israel.

    However, you are right, the US was instrumental in helping to get the infamous UN Resolution that declared “Zionism is racism” repealed. After all Zionism is Jewish Nationalism and if Jewish Nationalism is racism, then why isn’t Arab Nationalism or any other form of nationalism, for that matter, also racism? The USA was not standing up for Israel so much as it was standing up for justice in this case.

    Moreover, when the US has acted to block any UN condemnations against Israel, it was because the OIC and the enormous power and influence machine they wield were trying to condemn Israel for acting in self-defense. Now, if you support and believe that countries have a God given right to self-defense from terrorism, then you should not exempt Israel just because it happens to be a Jewish State. Just because they are Jews doesn’t mean that they are not humans.

    The reality is that since the Dar al Islam hijacked and co-opted the UN shortly after the 1973 Oil Embargo, the UN for all intents and purposes was turned into a pathetic joke and useless body, and if you somehow believe that it is a fair minded body that is interested only in peace and justice, then you are exceedingly gullible and naïve.

    Regarding America blocking a condemnation of a Muslim country like we have with respect to Israel, let me ask you a simple question: When has Israel ever used terrorism to illegally and aggressively attack a Muslim country the same way that Israel had been repeatedly attacked since its creation by Muslim countries? The answer is never?

    Thus, again your silly and asinine attempt at moral equivalence is not only invalid but it is incredibly stupid as well. Nevertheless, you exhibit exactly the kind of thinking errors that are the direct consequence of your addiction to moral relativism.

    To even make such an absurd and ridiculous statement, which obviously is another attempt at drawing another silly and asinine moral equivalence, demonstrates how so incredibly ignorant and oblivious of Islam and Muslims you actually are, while at the same time you have obviously been indoctrinated to hate and condemn Jews. Moral relativism is a bitch dude!

    Nevertheless, Muslims don’t immigrate to non-Muslim countries for the purpose of integrating and assimilating. Instead, they immigrate only to some day make Islam supreme.

    Indeed, Muslim immigration to a non-Muslim country is a sort of non-violent form of jihad known as demographic conquest. As a matter of fact, if you study Islam and Muslims, you will learn that the overwhelming vast majority of the jihad that takes place around the world takes place via non-violent stealth means, as Muhammad, the uswa hasana, the perfect Muslim and excellent example for emulation, famously said, “war is deceit.”

    In any event, considering all the non-Muslim countries in the world where Muslims have immigrated to in mass since the 1970s, can you even point to a single non-Muslim country anywhere in the world where mass Muslim immigration has already occurred and where the majority of the Muslims that have immigrated have also assimilated and integrated and then matriculated into becoming productive and contributing members of their newly adopted societies, instead of forming Muslim no-go zones ruled by Sharia and in direct contravention to the laws of the states in which they reside?

    In addition, can you point to any state anywhere in the world where mass Muslim immigration has already occurred that hasn’t become the victim of Islamic terrorist attacks?

    Meanwhile, can you point to a single non-Muslim country anywhere in the world where Muslims haven’t immigrated in mass yet that has become the victim of an Islamic terrorist attack?

    Moreover, can you point to any state anywhere in the world where mass Muslim immigration has already occurred that hasn’t had to double and triple the amount of resources it devotes to national security and protecting the homeland as a direct result of that Muslim immigration?

    You need to drop your stupid adherence to moral relativism as it has rendered you totally blind and made it exceedingly easy for others to exploit your many ignorance’s.

    You obviously don’t have the first clue what you are talking about and have been rendered blind by moral relativism. Indeed, as you have more than demonstrated in this post you are totally oblivious.

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