If Israel Bombed Iran...Would U.S. Attack?

Discussion in 'Free Speech Alley' started by Cajun Sensation, Feb 23, 2010.

  1. OkieTigerTK

    OkieTigerTK Tornado Alley

    maybe i am not making myself clear. iran could pass off nuclear materials to terrorists for them to make weapons, such as dirty bombs.

    or in the event of internal chaos in iran, nuclear materials could fall into the hands of terrorists.

    i think that is a very valid argument.
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  2. red55

    red55 curmudgeon Staff Member

    Why in the world would they do that? They have spent billions on underground factories and nuclear technology in order to gain "prestige" and a deterrent to their local enemies. They have endured the scorn and the sanctions from the West and from Russia, too, for the sake of this technology. Why would they give that away to rag head non-Persian extremists that they can't control?

    Especially since it comes with their return address on it. The Iranians are fanatics but they are not stupid. An Iranian weapon in the hands of Al Qaeda and used against the United States would result in about 480 mushroom clouds over Iran within 24 hours.

    Like the Pakistanis, if they ever manage to develop a weapon they will guard and cherish it like the Ark of the Covenant. Probably worship the damn thing and sing songs about it.

    Not exactly. It exceeds what is needed for electrical power (if they are telling the truth), but it does not approach the enrichment needed for nuclear weapons, which is 90% U-235. U-235 exists naturally at less than 1% enrichment. Reactor grade enrichment is in the 5-10% range, while research reactors run from 10-20% enriched uranium.

    Iran says that have enriched uranium 235 to over 20%, but we don't know how much they have or if they are lying about it. It could be BS third-world dictator rhetoric. But . . . there is no reason to enrich uranium past 20% if you do not intend to enrich it to weapons grade.
  3. red55

    red55 curmudgeon Staff Member

    IF they could easily "buy" one they wouldn't have to develop a weapons program, would they?
  4. OkieTigerTK

    OkieTigerTK Tornado Alley

    you may be right, but ahmannutjob doesnt have complete control. and even if they are smart enough not to pass off materials to terrorist organizations, unrest could create enough chaos for materials to disappear. same with pakistan. another country with too much instability. why add one more "possible" nuclear weapons capable unstable country to the mix?

    no one knows if it is rhetoric or not. but develolping weapons grade materials flies in the face of what iran says they want to use nuclear materials for which is for energy purposes. if they are developoing weapons grade materials, then they are already lying.

    im not saying we go in a bomb em. but i sure can see the "tsk, tsk, wink, wink" routine if israel does.

    edit to add: thank you for the clarification. i knew i had read what they were developing exceeded what is needed for energy purposes.
  5. Rex_B

    Rex_B Geaux Time

    Maybe, Maybe not.
  6. Rex_B

    Rex_B Geaux Time

    If that is your argument then we should be ready to go to war with half the middle east.
  7. OkieTigerTK

    OkieTigerTK Tornado Alley

    i guess you missed the part that i said that doesnt necessarily mean we bomb em.

    but having someone like iran develop weapons grade materials is worrisome to me.
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  8. spikke

    spikke Veteran Member

    “Tehran, 23 Feb. (AKI) - Iran aims to spread its Islamic revolution beyond its borders, President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad pledged on Tuesday. "The Islamic revolution's final objective is global revolution," Ahmadinejad said in a live televised address. [FONT=&quot][/FONT]

    Ahmadinejad also vowed to "cut the hands" of Iran's enemies if the Islamic republic was attacked.”

    I agree with Anne…I would rather a loon like above get his hands on the Islamic bomb than us or Israel do anything to stop them. Lord knows that we could easily push back a hundred times harder than Iran could against us, but nevertheless for ****s and kicks let the crazy Mullahs have nukes. Life is too boring in any event and history must repeat itself.

    I mean I am literally quivering in my boots at the idle threats made by Iran’s President.
  9. Bandit88

    Bandit88 Old Enough to Know Better

    I agree that democracy has to evolve, it doesn't work as well when it is installed. However, we are the world's police force, whether you (or I) like it or not. National security is maintained abroad, not inside our own borders.
  10. Bandit88

    Bandit88 Old Enough to Know Better

    "Iran" probably would not pass off nuclear material/knowledge/capability to terrorists. But the fringe elements inside (and outside) the country that the theocrats use to fight their proxy battles would do it in a heart beat if they could get their paws on the stuff. And we all know Iran's domestic security situation is tenuous at best.
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