If Israel Bombed Iran...Would U.S. Attack?

Discussion in 'Free Speech Alley' started by Cajun Sensation, Feb 23, 2010.

  1. spikke

    spikke Veteran Member

    Illegal…per whom? Muslims, their useful idiot Leftist allies, and the Muslim hijacked UN? You need to study history dude and especially UNSCR 242, because again your ignorance’s are being exploited to the hilt. I mean everything you think you know and understand about Israel is false, because obviously you have been fed nothing but hate propaganda meant to vilify and demonize Israel and incite hatred and violence towards Jews.

    Indeed, most people, at least in the beginning, are smart enough to check both sides of the equation, to see for themselves which side is telling the truth. However, in your case without critical analysis you ignorantly swallowed Muslim taqiyya meant to deceive gullible kafir infidels.

    Either you are a leftwing ideologue who has been indoctrinated to readily accept leftwing propaganda without critical analysis or otherwise you are just simply a useful idiot ignoramus, but nevertheless whatever it is, you are nonetheless hopelessly confused.

    Oh…you mean it was just another asinine moral equivalence again. You know you couldn’t make such stupid and idiotic moral equivalences or believe the idiotic propaganda you have swallowed without critical analysis if your mind wasn’t so corrupted by moral relativism.

    Only because they are forced to be powerful because otherwise if they weren’t militarily powerful they would be annihilated. Yet, you still blame the Jews for having the audacity to defend themselves and confuse allegations meant to vilify and demonize Israel for the purpose of inciting hatred and violence towards Jews as being truth, and you couldn’t do that unless your moral compass had been rendered totally corrupt via moral relativism.

    Moreover, your theory whereby the strong always oppress the weak doesn’t stand up to scrutiny, as the USA is the world’s lone superpower and contrary to your absurd theory, the USA doesn’t oppress or exploit other countries and to the contrary is always the first country in the world to lend a helping hand. Indeed, there never before in history has been a more benevolent country.

    Likewise, even though Israel is more powerful than their Muslim adversaries, you don’t see Israel starting illegal wars of aggression with the surrounding Muslim countries the same way their Muslim adversaries have ganged up together to preemptively attack Israel, and anytime a disaster happens in one of those surrounding Muslim countries, Israel always offers the helping hand for friendship. Now, it gets spit upon, but that is beside the point.

    Which is why at all cost Iran must be stopped from acquiring the Islamic bomb. Moreover, the fact that Israel has nukes will not deter Muslims, since Muslim have all been inculcated to love death more than they love life, as they like to remind us all the time, and I’m sorry but the doctrine of mutual assured destruction will not work with respect to people who love death more than they love life, unless you target the entire 57 Muslim country strong Dar al Islam and not just Iran.

    If Iran gets nukes, not only will nuclear weapons proliferate throughout the Dar al Islam, as the Sunnis will not sit idle while their mortal enemies the Shi’as have nukes, but Iran will also give them to their proxies to destroy Israel so that Iran can maintain plausible deniability.

    In any event, as the former President of Iran, Ayatollah Ali Akbar Hashemi-Rafsanjani preaches: "If a day comes when the world of Islam is duly equipped with the arms Israel has in possession, the strategy of colonialism would face a stalemate because application of an atomic bomb would not leave any thing in Israel but the same thing would just produce damages in the Muslim world"

    Thus, only very gullible and naïve fools could be stupid enough to believe that Muslims can somehow be deterred via the doctrine of MAD into not using nuclear weapons. If that Pandora’s box is ever allowed to open, then thermo nuclear war will become a certainty sometimes in the not too distant future.

    Me stoned? No…I’m just not oblivious like you.

    Islam never stands toe to toe with its adversaries unless it believes that it is in the stronger position. However, that doesn’t stop them from pursuing jihad via other means and mainly through stealth, as Muhammad famously said: “War is deceit.”

    Look at Western Europe, thanks to the Euro-Arab Dialogue, which the Dar al Islam used successfully to coerce Europe into accepting demographic conquest, in the next 50 years many Western European countries will become majority Muslim countries and at the same time become full pledged members of the Dar al Islam.

    There is more than one way to skin a cat, as Muslim never immigrate to Western countries with the intention of assimilating and integrating. Instead, Muslims only immigrate to the West to some day make Islam supreme.

    So are you making the ridiculous and absurd claim that I’m making things up? Are you claiming that the thousands of victims of Muslim jihad in those countries I cited every year aren’t happening? Dude…just because you are completely oblivious and ignorant doesn’t mean it is not happening, it just means that you are totally oblivious and ignorant. Actually, it proves that you are.

    Like I said, you are completely oblivious! No wonder you can apologize for and sympathize with the Muslim terrorists trying to destroy Israel and annihilate the Jews, at the same time you can also demonize and vilify Israel in order to incite hatred and violence towards Jews.
  2. flabengal

    flabengal Founding Member


    Man, you are something else. It was just an example of relative positions of power. There was no moral lesson involved. Your repeated assertion that I suffer from moral relativism is completely baseless.


    I don't think you are making things up....I think you are confused, it's ok...lot's of people are. Life is confusing. I'm sure I'm confused about a few things as well. This just doesn't happen to be one of them.

    Sure, the victims of jihad are happening. Which country have they been successful in anyway, over the last 50 years? Algeria? Big loss there? Burma? Who else am I missing? Iran? Hell, that was our fault...we should have supported the Shah a little more there. Iraq? Well, Iraq is ours now so I'll call that a wash...Iran for Iraq....

    I just don't see the massive threat to the West from cafe bombings, and flying planes into buildings. When has that ever won a war or a battle even? As soon as they march on western country or destroy a city then I'm all for wiping them off the map but until then, let the police do their job and do business with them and wait it out. Radical Islam may very well disipate on its own. Hell, even the Iranian people have had about enough. If they fall the we've got Iran/Iraq/Afhanistan all in a row....and you're telling me we are losing?
  3. OkieTigerTK

    OkieTigerTK Tornado Alley

    a few questions for spikke.....

    (and yes, these are relevant, not snark, as they give insight to the beliefs.)

    1. what is your age?

    2. what is your religion?

    3. are you also the poster spike, and if so, why did you create spikke instead of continuing to post under spike?
  4. red55

    red55 curmudgeon Staff Member

    4. Are all teenage Israelis belligerent, arm-waving muldoons?
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