If Israel Bombed Iran...Would U.S. Attack?

Discussion in 'Free Speech Alley' started by Cajun Sensation, Feb 23, 2010.

  1. spikke

    spikke Veteran Member

    Yeah that fantasy was based off the same silly political correct multicultural model whereby Islam is a Religion of Peace™ and the vast overwhelming majority of Muslims in the world are peaceful and moderate, which is demonstrably false. As a matter of fact, it also happens to be the same political correct multicultural myth that you also have stupidly swallowed without question. So when you vilify those so-called neo-cons, you are really vilifying and demonizing political correct multicultural loons, which don’t fall too far from your own political correct multicultural tree.

    Nevertheless, to anyone who hasn’t been blinded by political correct multiculturalism and has actually studied Islamic doctrine and Islamic history, the notion that Muslims can be democratized is utterly absurd as Islam and Sharia are the state. Indeed, to democratize Muslims you have to either de-Islamize them first, which would take probably several generations to get accomplished and inevitably would fail. As a matter of fact, in the process of attempting to democratize Muslims, they would end up Islamizing us long before we could ever democratize them.
  2. spikke

    spikke Veteran Member

    Are you a Muslims who hates all kafirs and especially Jewish ones?
  3. spikke

    spikke Veteran Member


    BAY0U BENGAL I'm a Chinese Bandit

  5. spikke

    spikke Veteran Member

    First you claimed that you hated reading my posts but at the same time you couldn’t refute any of them and then when I provide you with three separate links written by leading authorities of Islam in response to your query without even reading any of them you claim that I’m trying to give you the run around. You obviously must be exceedingly mentally incompetent or something.
  6. Bandit88

    Bandit88 Old Enough to Know Better

    It's a bit more complicated than that oversimplistic idea of being someone's bitch, John.

    Iran has very few Muslim allies in the region. Put aside the Shia/Sunni conflicts that have been raging for ages. Their nuclear program is not exactly making Sunni countries comfy. So it's not as if the entire "Muslim" world will take Iran's side.

    The only way I see the US CHOOSING to come to Israel's aid after some kind of unilateral strike on their part is if Israel finds itself severely threatened by non-Iranian military action - Russia, for instance.

    By the way, Israel would never hit Iran without consulting with the Obama administration. But that doesn't mean asking permission. With huge numbers of US forces in the region, there are many, many practical reasons the Israelis will want the US to know what they are thinking.

    BAY0U BENGAL I'm a Chinese Bandit

    First off, I was referring to the statement of were you or were you not spike. His posts were always stupid (and yes, I was referring to football).

    I wasn't asking a question on Islam in genneral... just those two phrases you kept using. You obviously must get exceedingly butt hurt or something.
  8. spikke

    spikke Veteran Member

    Actually, the surrounding Muslims states get their weapons today from the same source as Israel, which is the USA.

    During the 1967 Six Day War, Israel purchased most of its weapons from the USA, while the surrounding Muslim states were armed to the teeth and trained by the Soviet Union. In any event, it wasn’t until after the 1967 Six Day War that the USA and Israel developed a strategic alliance.

    However, the Dar al Islam has been very successful through a vilification and demonization campaign and stealth jihad in influencing America not to take strategic advantage of that alliance.
  9. red55

    red55 curmudgeon Staff Member

    I have not characterized Israel as such, please don't try to put words into my mouth. I have characterized Israel as being famously secretive and independent and not an American puppet, as had been suggested.

    Israel is a friend of the United States. But some folks, influenced by the powerful Israeli lobby, have tried to characterize Israel like it is the 51st state or something. But they are not a vital American interest and our support of them has cost us dearly. Israel is a friend, but they are not an ally. We have no defense treaties with Israel. Israel has not sent troops to fight alongside us in any of our wars. We have no US bases in Israel.

    What they do is not traitorous. They are not American nor are they allied with America. What they do is not rogue, it is in their best national interests. The point that I'm making is this:

    Israels national vital interests and American vital national interests are NOT the same. Israel has done a number of things that have hurt America and vice versa, of course.
  10. red55

    red55 curmudgeon Staff Member

    In the SIx-Day War, France provided most of Israel's weapons. It wasn't until shortly the 1973 war that the US became Israel's primary source of high-tech military equipment.

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