If Israel Bombed Iran...Would U.S. Attack?

Discussion in 'Free Speech Alley' started by Cajun Sensation, Feb 23, 2010.

  1. red55

    red55 curmudgeon Staff Member

    Uhhhh . . . It was the neo-conservatives who embarked on a mission to bring democracy to the middle east. All we had to do was invade Iraq and then all the muslims would throw off their oppressors and become Jeffersonian democracies.

    BAY0U BENGAL I'm a Chinese Bandit


    Edit to ask: What does this mean?
  3. flabengal

    flabengal Founding Member

    I meant Liberal in terms of foreign policy....democratizing the world is definitely a "liberal" idea.
  4. JohnLSU

    JohnLSU Tigers

    Without agreeing with your conclusions... I do find your characterization of Israel as a traitorous, rouge state interesting.
  5. JohnLSU

    JohnLSU Tigers

  6. JohnLSU

    JohnLSU Tigers

    Another person characterizing Israel as a traitorous, rouge state. Interesting.
  7. JohnLSU

    JohnLSU Tigers

    Oh, just the the idea that if Israel bombed Iran... that the US would follow them like their little bitches. Israel is not our master.
  8. JohnLSU

    JohnLSU Tigers

    Just skimmed your fanatical pro-Israeli nonsense. Are you an Israeli?
  9. spikke

    spikke Veteran Member

    It figures…he never even heard of the infamous Haj Amin al-Husseini? Let me be the one to introduce you: Atlas Shrugs: Auschwitz Blueprints

    Again…your history is terribly atrocious to say the very least!

    Look dude…most of your assertions are so off the wall absurd, ludicrous, and otherwise ridiculous that it is literally impossible to comment. Indeed, it is rare that I run across someone that is so opinionated yet at the same time so ignorant about the subject matter he has such strong opinions about. Myself, if I were 1/100 as ignorant about a particular subject as you are even if I held opinions I would keep them to myself instead of exposing how so damn ignorant I am to the world, but that’s me.

    Maybe in your incredibly gullible mind, but not really in reality! In reality, the Jews didn’t displace anyone. You’ve swallowed Muslim taqiyya meant to deceive gullible useful idiot kafirs lock, stock, and barrel without even so much as questioning the source or checking to see if someone was trying to blow wind up your ass. Only hardcore radical ideologues are capable of doing that.

    Hell, I know a lot of leftists that have been inculcated to hate Jews and Israel exactly like you, but even they are smarter than that.

    Even Mahmoud Abbas, Arafat’s replacement as the so-called head of the Palestinian Authority today, readily admits that during the 1948 war the Muslims left because their leaders, like the infamous Haj Amin al-Husseini among many others, beseeched them to leave to make way for the Muslim jihadists, and to this day he blames those leaders for abandoning those Muslims that heeded their call post war and not Israel.

    Now, the above doesn’t mean that like all Muslims he doesn’t hate Jews with a passion and wants to wipe them off the planet, it just means that he won’t forget who screwed them. Most of the younger generations of so-called Palestinians, however, have been inculcated to believe the same tripe you believe. At least they have an excuse, but, on the other hand, you don’t.

    Nevertheless, it isn’t Israel’s fault that those Muslims were displaced; it was the Dar al Islam’s fault. Israel didn’t tell them to leave or make them leave or prosecute an illegal war of aggression. That illegal war of aggression was heaped upon Israel by a gang of Muslim states that were armed, trained, and assisted by the UK, while the rest of the world, including the USA, placed an embargo on selling weapons to Israel.

    Not to mention that it was also the Dar al Islam that subsequent to the war ethnically cleansed from their countries in anger and retaliation approximately 800,000 defenseless Jews with nothing but the shirts on their backs, while seizing their property and killing thousands of them in pogroms in the process.

    Well, unlike those Muslim leaders that abandoned those Muslim refugees, at great hardship at least Israel opened its doors to those refugees and today those former Jewish refugees and their descendents are productive and contributing members of Israel, unlike those permanent Muslim refugees that have been used as proxy terrorists against Israel by the Dar al Islam ever since.

    And prior to the war, extending from the latter 19th century to the early 20th century, the Jews purchased their land at highly inflated prices from absentee landowners using Rothschild money. They stole no one’s land!

    Moreover, prior to the war when the Muslims left Palestine at the behest of their leaders to make way for the annihilation of the Jews, it became demonstrably obvious which side of the war they were on, and after the war it would have been absolutely suicidal for the Jews to let them return.

    Henceforth, those displaced Muslims became the first and only permanent refugees ever in history, having been turned into the proxies of the Dar al Islam that have been employed all of this time to pursue permanent jihad against the Jews of Israel, all because land that once belonged to the Dar al Islam, per Sharia, must always remain a part of the Dar al Islam, and Israel is by far not the only former Dar al Islam lands occupied today by kafir infidels on the list, but it indeed lies in the heart of the Dar al Islam, which makes it the top priority.

    It most certainly accounts for what happened to you! Indeed, how could allow your ignorance’s to be so damn exploited? Obviously, it is because you are a blind leftwing ideologue who has been thoroughly inculcated and also carefully conditioned to accept garbage no matter how ridiculous and absurd it is. Garbage in equals garbage out, and you epitomize that.

    In any event, have you ever heard of picking up history books instead of swallowing unwashed propaganda, and very shoddy propaganda at that, without even questioning it? Hell…the vast overwhelming majority of Muslims during that period of time were nomads incapable of plowing the land or growing crops because they didn’t have the technology. They were about as backwards as backwards can get. Talk about myopic…bud you take the cake! The word gullibility doesn’t do you justice.

    If we can’t even stop weak and pathetic thugs like the ruling Mullahs of Iran, whom can we stop? What makes you believe that we can stop others? Are you naïve and gullible enough to believe that every other thug on the planet isn’t noticing and paying very close attention to how weak and incompetent Obama is and how pathetic America appears right now?

    Indeed, if we don’t even have the will to stop the feeble Iranians, what makes you think we will have the will to stop anyone else? It doesn’t matter how strong our superpower military is, if we are so racked by guilt and self loathing that we lack the will to use it to even defend our own freedom and also our own culture, then we are not only finished as a nation, but we are also finished as a civilization as well.

    As a matter of fact, we live in a very Hobbesian world, whether you like it or not, and someone else waiting in the wings will eagerly step forward to take our place at the table as the world’s dominant civilization, and the downfall of the West will some day be studied like the decline and fall of the Roman Empire. Nevertheless, it will be unrestrained leftism, cultural communism, and political correct multiculturalism, all very self-destructive manifestations of leftism, which ultimately led to the decline and fall of the West!

    Moreover, if the Shias get nukes, then that means the Sunnis will all rush to get nukes also, and there are only around 250 million Shias, while, on the other hand, there are more than a billion Sunnis. If you are gullible enough to believe that the Sunnis will just sit idly by while the Shias have nukes, I have a bridge in Brooklyn I must sell you.

    Indeed, not only the Dar al Islam, which has as its highest mandate to turn the entire world into the Dar al Islam via the imposition of Sharia, but every thug and brute in the world will also race to get nukes if that Pandora’s door is ever opened. Indeed, it will be a whole new world if that ever happens.

    Not to mention that the Shias also plan to export their Khomieniest revolution worldwide as I have already documented earlier in this thread. Thus, it isn’t quite like we don’t already know what to expect after those thugs get nukes.

    Actually, when Saddam invaded Kuwait in 1989, we should have done nothing, absolutely nothing, and at the same time hoped and prayed that he did us a favor and also invaded and conquered the House of Saud and the Gulf States Emirs, as the House of Saud and the Emirs of the Gulf States are the lynchpins of the global jihad that you are completely oblivious of but nonetheless we face today.

    Thus, please don’t try to engage me on the lessons of Iraq, because it is so obvious that again you are totally oblivious to begin with.

    Only loons like GWB and B. Hussein Obama are dumb, naïve, and gullible enough to invade Muslim countries and then pursue endless fantasy based nation-building missions in a useless effort to lift Muslims out of poverty to win their hearts and minds, even while they are obligated to hate our guts no matter what per their so-called religion.

    Believe me…we can confiscate or eradicate Pakistan’s nuclear weapons without deploying and over stretching our military, but first we must get rid of the political correct multicultural loons now in control at the Pentagon.

    Bill Clinton silenced and shackled our intelligence agencies and our military until after Pakistan detonated the first Islamic bomb. Don’t tell me he had nothing to do with it! That’s like claiming that it isn’t Clinton’s fault also that the N. Koreans have nukes today!

    Indeed, everything we face today stems from Clinton and that other loser, Jimmy Carter, who pulled the Persian rug out from under the terminally ill Shah, because like that kook Ron Paul, he was having a guilt trip over the CIA’s ouster of Mossadegh. Now I must admit as well that those two stealth liberal RINOs, Bush I and Bush II, were also incredibly incompetent as well.

    Maybe not yet in this thread only because I preempted you, but nonetheless it is very obvious to me that like the incredibly inculcated leftist ideologue that you are that like practically all leftists you hate and despise the Jewish state. Thus, don’t give me that lame BS.

    Oh now…he is going to also claim to be a leading authority on of all things military matters. Give me a break! Must everything always be so reflexive and compulsive with you leftwing ideologues? I know you losers better than I know myself!

    Correction…we are chasing our tail all over the world. While the Dar al Islam is sticking the knife deeper and deeper inside our back, while it laughs at the same time about how stupid and blind we are. Well, not all of us, but most of us!

    Apparently, it escaped you. I should have known. Never mind.

    Only slow learners repeat the same mistake over and over and over again. Indeed, I’m beginning to wonder.

    Not quite…you said: “Not even close to being true. I challenge you to document this claim.” Not to mention also but where do you get off claiming and asserting that I said that Israel was enhancing them beyond the capabilities of our most advanced jets, because that is not what I said dude.

    I did document my claim, even though at the same time I was incredulous that you were unaware of what I heretofore thought was common knowledge, but as I’m finding out, I doubt you could even find Israel on a map, which explains also why you keep challenging me or keep trying to call me a liar You ought to know by now that if I say something I can back it up and if I can’t back it up, I will admit that I was mistaken. Indeed, unlike the delusional left honesty is actually important to me.

    Not quite…I also gave you a name of a leading Israel and Middle East authority that is very familiar with the system and has often written about it. You could have easily typed her name into google and searched her archive. I’m not going to waste my time when I’m dealing with a gullible neophyte like you. Sorry.

    Moreover, if they by design deliberately keep it quiet so as not to embarrass the country involved or damage relations, what makes you think any names are available?

    Nevertheless, Western nations get caught spying on each other all the time, but it is only somehow when it comes to Joos, the scourge of society, does it always become an issue. Since as we know the Joos control Hollywood, the press, and the banks, AIPAC is the most powerful lobby in the world, even though they are out numbered by Muslims lobbies 1000 to 1 with much deeper pockets, and as we all learned via the Protocols of the Elders of Zion, the Joos are plotting to take over the world, which is why the neo-cons, of course, hijacked Bush’s foreign policy for the benefit of Israel and the Joos.

    He was guilty of warning Israel about Osirak and Saddam’s nuclear weapons program meant to destroy Israel. However, it wasn’t the Israelis that were tipping off the Soviets with respect to our agents and getting them killed as the leftwing anti-Semites at the time surmised, it was Aldrich Ames and Ames was later convicted of it.

    Indeed, it was because of those same delusional leftwing hardcore anti-Semites that the KGB was able to continue assassinating our agents for years afterward until Ames was finally apprehended for it.

    As a matter of fact, as for as I’m concerned, Jonathan Pollard more than served his time and the only reason he is still locked up today is because of Jew hating anti-Semitic bigots and also to pacify the Dar al Islam. As for as I’m concerned, he is a hero because if not for Pollard, Israel would have remained blind with respect to Osirak instead of doing the world and us a great big favor by blowing it up.

    Not to mention that we were also reneging on a deal we had made in good faith with Israel at the time to share such sensitive information detrimental to our national security..

    In addition, there have been many other spies that have been caught and convicted of doing far worse crimes than Pollard and none of them came close to serving nearly as much time as Pollard. In fact, the only reason that Pollard is still locked up in prison today after all these many years is only because his case has become such a political football and hot potato. Just like every time a Jew is suspected and accused of spying for Israel, and never mind the fact that Israel happens to be our most loyal ally.

    Nevertheless, should we elect a real conservative as President as opposed to a stealth progressive masquerading as a conservative as Bush unfortunately was, Pollard will be pardoned almost immediately and justice will finally be served!

    Thus, you can go on vilifying and demonizing Pollard, Israel, and the Jews all you want because you obviously have been inculcated to become a hardcore leftwing ideologue who hates and despises Israel and the Jews, but I could care less because it only demonstrates how narrow-minded and prejudiced you are, on top of being totally ignorant regarding everything about Israel except for the lies, innuendo, and propaganda you ignorantly swallowed.

    Don’t even accuse me of being an inculcated hardcore ideologue like you, since only blind inculcated leftwing ideologues like you can toe the leftwing line as rigid as you do while swallowing at the same time that much garbage the way you have without question and no matter how outlandish and ridiculous it is.

    Not to mention, I bet you have not run across many conservatives like me since I don’t toe anyone’s line but my own and I am also often times as hard on other conservatives as I am with hardcore radical ideologues like you.

  10. spikke

    spikke Veteran Member

    No...and I haven't been inculcated to fanatically hate Jews and the Jewish state of Israel like some of you guys either.

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