If Israel Bombed Iran...Would U.S. Attack?

Discussion in 'Free Speech Alley' started by Cajun Sensation, Feb 23, 2010.

  1. spikke

    spikke Veteran Member

    Correction we only have one Jewish spy doing life in prison and most of what he and Israel were accused of doing, Aldrich Ames was later convicted for.

    Moreover, Israel and the USA commit espionage against each other all the time, as most Western countries do as well. However, the difference is when Israel catches Americans committing espionage, they quietly send them home.

    But because of the prevalence of anti-Semitic Jew hating bigots, useful idiot Muslim sympathizers and apologists, and millions of dollars used by the House of Saud and the OIC to purchase influence in high places within our government, anytime a Jew is even suspected of spying the **** hits the fan and those Jews will be convicted in the court of public opinion by the leftwing hijacked press, even when they are later proven innocent in a court of law.

    Not to mention also that even though there are thousands of Jews living in America who are fluent in Arabic, our government refuses to hire them and instead prefers to hire Muslim infiltrators who then do stuff like trying to poison the food supply at our military bases among other things.

    Yeah right…get rid of those dastardly Jews living in the Middle East and peace will sprout up all over the world. Moreover, we need to get rid of those pesky neo-cons that have a propensity to hijack our foreign policy for Israel’s interests as well. Indeed, the Jews also control Hollywood, all the banks, and the newspapers as well. And that mega Jewish lobby, AIPAC, is super influential and enormously powerful even though it is outnumbered 1000 to 1 by Muslim lobbies with much deeper pockets, and as we all know, per the Protocols of the Elders of Zion, the Jews also are plotting to take over the world!
  2. Tigerbnd05

    Tigerbnd05 National Champs 2003 2007

    You might want to read a history book sir. Israel was in a bunch of wars through the 50s, 60s, and 70s. The US didn't always back them in their wars and in some of them helped broker the cease fire/peace.

    I'm not disagreeing that the West helped create the current Jewish State and that we have and continue to supply them with military supplies, training etc. What I am saying is that the US has not supported every war they have decided to get themselves into and just because we don't back them up, will not deter them from striking Iran if they feel threatened.
  3. red55

    red55 curmudgeon Staff Member

    Actually not. Israel was carved out of the British Empire in 1948. Except for a brief period during the crusades and later during Ottoman and British occupation, Palestine has been Arab for over 1,500 years. Even those occupiers, like the Romans before them, did not displace the local population.

    Not exactly. Israel is the #7 exporter of arms at 368 $billion. BUT they are also the 7th largest importer of arms at 724 $billion. They are a net receiver of international arms and one of the highest receivers of miltary foreign aid in the world.

    If Israel is ever attacked with a nuclear weapon. there will be mushroom clouds over Mecca and Messina within a hour, as well as the 200 biggest cities and towns in Iran. Pakistan aleardy has the Islamic Bomb and missiles to deliver it too. But they are not stupid.

    You are wrong. Iran has no F-15's at all. Iran has F-4s and F-14s, both obsolete and retired from duty here.

    Israel wants F-22's very badly, actually.

    Not even close to being true. I challenge you to document this claim.

    True. You can say this without making up a bunch of stuff.

    Nonsense. Israel owes its existence to a revolution and war it staged against the British Mandate of Palestine in 1948. The Ottomans went out of History in 1923.
  4. red55

    red55 curmudgeon Staff Member

    Give us one example.

    The Israeli spy was found guilty in a court of Law. Just curious, are you and American or are you an Israeli?

    Ok, now you are revealed as a Montana-militiaman, Timothy McVie-type neo-fascist kook.
  5. LaSalleAve

    LaSalleAve when in doubt, mumble


    i think you were going for Ted Kaczynski, great everytime this guy posts i am going to think its the Unabomber.
  6. Bandit88

    Bandit88 Old Enough to Know Better

    There is no "my version of history", John. This isn't archeology or behavioral science or global warming (that one's for my Amigo...:)). In 1948, the Brits carved up a little piece of the Eastern Med and called it Israel. The US supports the Jewish state and it's legal creation after WWII as a matter of policy, consistent across - 62 years of administrations. What else is there for me to report?

    Everything before that is meaningless to me personally, although I recognize that there are folks in the region that have very strong opinions.

    Why are you so upset about this? What is it about Israel that has you all frothy?
  7. spikke

    spikke Veteran Member

    Study history especially the San Remo conference of 1920 and the creation of the British Mandate of Palestine, which was passed by the League of Nations in 1922 for the establishment of the future Jewish State, which the British almost immediately betrayed by lopping off 77 percent for the creation of the Arab state of Transjordan.

    By the way, that was just the beginning of the British treachery towards the Jews, as they appointed a rabid anti-Semitic Muslim to be the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem, that also later gave Hitler the idea to create the death camps to sanitize the Jews during WWII, the British also severely limited Jewish immigration and thereby ensured that thousands of Jews would inevitably die in Hitler’s death camps, at the same time they were also turning a blind eye to massive Muslim immigration, and they also armed the surrounding Muslim states, trained them, and even assisted them during the war of 1948. Even today the Brits are still some of the most vial anti-Semitic Jew hating bigots on the planet.

    Moreover, Islam is not even 1400 years old yet, and the Muslims didn’t even conquer Israel until the second half of the 7th century. Thus, you are wrong again as always.

    In addition, the Jews didn’t displace anyone, since when the Jews began returning to Palestine in the latter 19th century and early 20th century, and this point is more than well documented, the land was largely abandoned and consisted mostly of malarial swamps and harsh deserts, which the Jews then purchased at greatly inflated prices from absentee land owners living in Egypt and Turkey.

    Further, when the Jews returned to Palestine, they also brought with them modern Western technology that enabled them to convert the malarial swamps and harsh deserts into fertile agriculture land, and it was the prosperity created by the Jews along with modern healthcare that soon began attracting Muslims from surrounding areas to migrate to Israel for a better life.

    The Jews most definitely didn’t displace anyone during Israel’s establishment, and also during the war in 1948, the Muslim peasants fled Palestine at the behest of their own leaders who had ganged up to attack the nascent state of Israel and were told that after the Jews were annihilated and the Mediterranean Sea was stained red with Jewish blood, they could return to confiscate the property of the dead Jews. Thus, the notion that the Jews displaced the Muslims is nothing but Muslim taqiyya employed to exploit the ignorance’s of useful idiots.

    In addition, in response to their defeat in the 1948 war, the Dar al Islam then systematically ethnically cleansed approximately 800,000 Jews from their countries with nothing but the shirts on their backs, killing thousands of them in pogroms and seizing their property at the same time. However, unlike the Dar al Islam, who abandoned the Muslim peasants they had pleaded with to leave, at great hardship Israel took in the bulk of those Jews that were forcefully ethnically cleansed by the Dar al Islam and today those Jews are contributing and productive citizens of Israel.

    You obviously don’t know the first thing about Israel except for the Muslim taqiyya you swallowed like manna from heaven.

    Like I said 7th in the world out of 191 countries makes Israel one of the largest manufacturers and suppliers of arms in the world. With respect to Israel having a requirement for arms and weapons, it is unequivocal, since Israel has an existential jihad being waged against it by the Dar al Islam, which includes 57 Muslim states counting the so-called Palestinians, which are the proxies of the Dar al Islam, and that jihad, like all other Jihads also being pursued and waged all around the world as well, is also permanent. Meaning that it will last until either Israel is eventually annihilated and subsumed by the Dar al Islam or otherwise until the international Muslim ummah becomes too weak to pursue jihad.

    In addition, the so-called peace process and the two state solutions are nothing but political ploys designed to weaken Israel until the final assault can come. It’s deception (taqiyya) meant to deceive Israel and the West.

    As they love to remind us every chance they get, Muslims are inculcated to love death more than they love life. Indeed, Muslims don’t even believe their real life begins until after they are finished their services serving Allah in this life. If you think MAD can somehow deter Muslims, even while you watched thousands of martyrs from throughout the Dar al Islam flock to Iraq for martyrdom operations, then you certainly don’t have the first clue and are beyond hopeless.

    Moreover, today Muslims don’t have the means to destroy the West militarily, which they fully intend to do. Nevertheless, if Iran gets its hands on the Islamic bomb, nuclear weapons will then spread like wildfire throughout the Dar al Islam and also the world at large.

    With respect to Pakistan, they are held in check by India and also so for at this time the secularists in that country have managed to maintain control of those weapons. Nevertheless, the USA needs to move to confiscate and destroy that nuclear arsenal ASAP, and Bill Clinton should forever be repudiated for letting that insanity happen.

    You’re right I remember now it was F-14’s, but are you also saying that the Muslim states that surround Israel didn’t also receive F-15 and F-16 warplanes from America at the same time you also vilify and demonize Israel and Jews for receiving F-15 and F-16 warplanes from America?

    Actually, Israel is a joint partner along with the UK with us to produce the F-35, and with respect to the F-22, thanks to Obama we don’t even have enough of them to keep America secure much less give some to Israel or anyone else, for that matter. Indeed, Obama would rather throw money at Pakistan, which like all Muslim countries is playing a double game, than build F-22s. In any event, I’m sure Israel would like some F-22 warplanes, but the fact remains they can’t afford them. Indeed, according to Obama, neither can we.

    Yeah right…I pulled it out of my ass and made it up. You’d think that after getting burned in the other thread when you tried to call me a liar you would have learned your lesson by now, but I guess you are a slow learner. Oh well…

    The F-16I nicknamed "Sufa" (Storm) is manufactured by "Lockheed Martin" and equipped with a "Pratt & Whitney" engine as well as advanced systems developed in Israel according to the IAF's specifications by the country's defense industries.

    Conformal Fuel Tanks (CFT) - These tanks are manufactured by the "Israel Aircraft Industries" and increase the aircraft's amount of internal fuel by 50%. Their purpose is to significantly prolong the aircraft's flight range and ability to remain in the air. The tanks are installed the plane's back and conform to it's figure.

    AGP-68(V)X Radar - Synthetic aperture radar (SAR) enabling the tracking of ground targets day or night, at any type of weather. The radar improves target-tracking performance and allows for automatic targeting instead of manual, thus saving valuable time. The radar also features improvements in the field of aerial targets including aquistion range and tracking quality.

    Helmet Mounted Cueing System - An Israeli development. On top of the goggles which F-16I pilots and navigators wear is displayed various aircraft information such as height, speed and weapon systems data. This data be linked to the system, enabling the weapons to be launched on an enemy target using sight only. In addition, a camera mounted in the helmet records that which the pilot views allowing examining what the pilot saw in flight during debriefing.


    There you go, accusing me once again of making stuff up like above, meanwhile you eat and swallow Muslim taqiyya like a starving maniac. Get over yourself dude.

    My God…are you totally ignorant or what! No wonder you swallow their taqiyya meant to deceive like it is manna from heaven.

    I could give you several, but like I said it is done very quietly and without publicity not to embarrass the guilty nation. Nevertheless, if you want to read up about it, then look up Caroline Glick and search her archives. I have better things to do than to pacify someone that is totally ignorant of history and who also has obviously had his ignorance’s exploited to the hilt.

    Nevertheless, Aldrich Ames was subsequently found guilty of what the Israeli was accused of, and with respect to my affiliation, I’m an American who supports Israel because Israel is the canary in the coal mine. Indeed, I support all countries that share our values as opposed to Sharia that forbids not only freedom of conscience, but also freedom of speech. I also don’t rigidly adhere to an ideology like you do that totally warps my perception.

    Actually, it was a sad caricature of some of your bigoted beliefs. I figured that it would sail right over your head. Thanks for proving me right again!
  8. flabengal

    flabengal Founding Member

    I sympathize with some of your points in this thread but your conclusions are almost the exact opposite of mine. Regardless, I just wanted to point out that irony doesn't come across very well on this forum. It took me a while to figure that out but you really have to make your point in a straightforward manner otherwise it will cause confusion and you will find yourself quoted in quite a different way than you intended.

    Only point I would make, and some others have already made it:

    Israel is a product of the West. Period. End of story.

    The West is politically incapable of making decisions based on cultural differences. I find this odd but for some reason we are committed to the idea that all cultures are equal and equally reasonable. I think it would be more in our interest to decide that we are committed to our culture and will defend it but what happens with respect to other nations and cultures is up to them.

    I think the Liberals have hijacked the US foreign policy to the point where now the entire planet is expected to embrace democracy or else. Beyond ambitious it is patently suicidal to pursue this policy.

    but anyway, continue....
  9. OkieTigerTK

    OkieTigerTK Tornado Alley

    damn a2i ratio getting skewed again. once again, the quality of i throws it off.
  10. red55

    red55 curmudgeon Staff Member

    Gave Hitler the idea? :insane:

    I said that Arabs lived there, Einstein. Palestinians (Philistines) and other ethnic Arabs have lived in Palestine for many centuries before Islam appeared. Even during the time of the Hebrew Kings. I used 1400 years because that was about when the Jewish Diaspora occurred, leaving Palestine with a minority of Jews.

    Going to be childish, eh? Look, this kind of denigrating hyperbole in lieu of a proper argument is why you aren't going to be taken seriously here.

    Israeli Propaganda. Hundreds of thousands of Palestinians were displaced by Israel and their claims to their land (which were not malarial swamps or desert) are real.

    Gee, you've learned a new word and now you think it explains everything.

    Your fears have become facts in your mind.

    Did you learn nothing from Iraq? You want to launch another expensive war against a country that has not attacked us? This time an ally? Do you understand that the only way to "confiscate and destroy" those weapons is to hit them with nuclear weapons? We don't have the military capacity to invade Pakistan right now even if it made sense. All we could do would be to nuke 'em which makes us the international aggressor instead of them. They have no ICBM, they can't hurt us.

    Bill Clinton had nothing to do with it. The Pakistani nuclear program started in 1972. All American Presidents since that time have tolerated it.

    I have not once demonized Israel and Jews for receiving arms from America, nor have I denied that we arm both side of this conflict. You made it up.

    Bullchit. We have 180 of them and no one else in the world has anything close to it. We are completely secure and able to establish air superiority wherever we wish.

    It was not Obama who said we have enough of them, it was the Pentagon. We are fighting guerillas all over the world. The F-22 can't help us in that fight. We have enough of them. They are too expensive and too specialized to equip our entire Air Force, that's why we are building over a thousand F-35's.

    Obama is throwing missiles at Pakistan right now, Hoss. Three times as many as Bush and picking up the pace.

    You'd be surprised . .

    Dude, the F-16 is 1970's technology. We're not gold-plating ours because we're phasing them out. The Israelis were using up-gunned WWII Sherman tanks in 1967, too. Yes, they enhance what they have. But if you imagine that they have enhanced them beyond the capabilities of our advanced jets, you are misinformed.

    Whenever I ask you to prove it, you say, "Well, I could but I won't". Who do you think you are fooling?

    The Israeli was guilty as charged.

    :lol: :lol: You are the very model of an self-righteous idealogue. :lol: :lol:

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