Id recommend Key Largo to anyone, its not the commercial haven Key West is, but man, fishing, great little restaurants, great seafood and beaches. Quiet and unassuming. go to snappers restaurant and the Fish House.
I too like the Seaside area, great place to visit or stay. My daughter has had some continuing education a couple times, an we have went with her and stayed at the Sand Destin Resort. They give a way better price on the rooms, a quick drive over to Seaside, is always worth the trip.
Stayed at the Sand Destin a year or so ago, very nice. Also played a couple of the golf courses there, "The Raven" and I think it was Baytown or Bayside, something like that. Great area for beach life and the seafood is top notch.
Thanks for all the suggestions. But I got an email from a client late yesterday. They are going to be in NOLA this weekend and are hosting a party, so it looks like food and drink while cruising the river instead of driving out of town. Thanks again, though.
We only go down to the 30A area, can't stand the crowds in the Destin area......We've stayed in Rosemary, Alys Beach and Seaside, love all of them.....Love having cocktails at Bud and Alley's or going down to The Red Bar in Grayton, listening to some good music and working up a big buzz. My BF has played there I think, he always plays Camp Creek off 30A, he raves about it and another one called Sharks something
Great move @wrjay. Rack up some billable hours while you party. And there's a chance you might be able to consort with your fellow sharks. Bull Sharks have been known to swim up the river even well pass New Orleans. One was even caught one time in Lake Concordia. I have no idea how it could have gotten there but the guy who told me that was a Marine Biologist so its probably true.
There had better not be any other sharks there. This is my client, dammit. Want a billable hour joke? A lawyer had just turned 40, made partner, had a massive heart attack, died and ended up in hell. Satan gives him the tour ("Here's the lake of eternal fire. Incubbi sit on this side of the cafeteria; succubi sit on this side. Don't get them confused, they'll never let you live it down." And so on and so on.) At the end of the tour, Satan asks if he has any questions. "Yeah," he says, "I do. I mean I get where I ended up and why, but my question is why so early? I mean, I was only 40!" "Forty?" Satan replies. "Well, that's a shock because according to the time sheets you submitted you had to be at least 106."
You should be thinking about Houston in a few weeks AND how you are going to make room for me and the H-man in the motor home. I don't need a ticket, I'd gladly let my little monkey roll into the game with you though.