you're the one saying this team will be as good or better. Im simply stating be careful what you think. No need to call the dude a 'genius'. Everything is not speculation. The fact we had one of, if not the best defense ever at LSU is fact. The fact is we won the NC. Anything on this yrs team's production is pure speculation though you think they will be as good or better. You may be right.....but its speculation nonetheless, 'genius'.
Genius is signing a contract that makes you the highest paid coach in college football if you win a National Championship and then going out and doing it.
Since you been drivin for a while now, you must of been the driver when we got our D**** handed to us by Auburn 2 yrs ago.
You know you are right,speculation is saying last year was a once in a lifetime run when you know they had a similar run in 1958,speculation is saying that reality is LSU will be worse on both sides of the ball,unless you have a crystal football or been talking to the tooth fairy or something.I'll tell you what's not speculation,I'm tired of having a battle of wits with an unarmed person.I never said that they were going to win the NC again or the SECCG again or the SECW again.I said that they could have as good a team this year as last,and more particularly that the D could concievable be better.That doesn't mean that they would repeat last years run,something that you just cann't seem to understand. ldskule:
I'm sorry I am not witty enough for you. I am so unarmed. Speculation is not thinking last year was a once in a lifetime experience. It was. I'll not be alive the next time LSU waits 46 years to win another NC in football. I can promise you that. I also said I understand LSU may be even better next stating that they will be as good or better is witless. You're right, I should end this now. I can see I am unarmed for such a level-headed discussion....
LMMFAO, crawdaddy, put the bong down, you are exhaling brain cells I give everyone on the schedule respect, I just know we should absolutely beat those teams with any of our 3 QB's. (unless you put up 4 INT's in the 1st half, you should by all rights lose all 4 games you mention)
Tigerlowe, One revelation I have had about some of these posters is that they take themselves waaaaay too seriously. You better conform to the majority opinion, or there will be much wailing and grinding of teeth. Just a heads up. (beware of grammatical errors, they WILL be used against you if all illogical arguments fail)
If there's ANYONE here who ain't afraid to take an opposing viewpoint and ride that sucker till the nag has bit the dust on the prairie, it's myself...and I can tell you, if you've got thick skin and a decent spell checker on your word processing program, you'll be just fine here while elaborating on your differing vantage point... People calling you an idiot because they allege you compared Matt Flynn to Josh Booty when you did no such thing...People here casting aspersions at your last name and your Irish heritage, as well as where you live, because you bring up how they say that "LSU blew their shot at the NC" after the Ole Miss Game...and the admins who leave it up...I ain't been skeered of none of it, and I don't take any of it, or most of what I say, seriously... It's just a place to guage the pulse of the uncensored opinions and unfettered and unencumbered amongst the LSU fanbase...I like it...