Who said there is going to be a MAJOR dropoff of talent? I don't think anyone said that. To think possibly the best defense LSU has ever had will be equal is a bit insane. Is it possible? Sure but try to come down to Earth some. LSU had possibly a once in a lifetime run last year and so many things had to fall into place. The best teams and best coaching rarely win the NC in football. Luck, scheduling and injuries have a lot to do with it. You could tell me we are lining up with the Cleveland Browns next year and I'd feel the same way. The reality is LSU will be worse on both sides of the ball and the inexperience @ QB will probably be too much to overcome. It seems you discount the loss of the leadership I mentioned. You can cite anything you want on paper as to who plays where and how great they are. It takes much more than that to win a NC. But hey, 1958 wasnt that long ago, I can see how we should win another one sometime very soon. We're used to it.
Right on BengalB,put the faint of heart to bed.Watch out for the LB crew they might be the most improved aspect of the team. ldskule:
Again,nobody said anything about NC but you.I said they could be as good a D and possibly better.Pay attention to what you read! ldskule:
I know exactly what I read and I knew exactly your response. However, you're saying this team will be as good or better...the team that won the freaking NC. Myopic, at best.
In 2000, 2002 and 2003 Oklahoma, Ohio State and LSU all put it all together and won the NC a year before they were supposed to be that good. OU and OSU couldn't repeat. The third times' the charm. If the Tigers manage to win it this year I look for the threepeat in 2005.
Jetstorm...Those damn facts and figures and stats look DANGEROUSLY like my posts defending Randall here for the past year...You sure you haven't been re-reading and plagarizing them? The 4-12 stats...The Josh Booty/Rohan resets about rough starts...Am I rubbing off on you or something? It's not to late to jump onto the Marcus Randall-Fan Bus...But just remember whose been driving this mammer jammer for a while now... ;-)
Everyone is so opioniated. look, i felt the same way as the guy who started this thread before the spring game. Now i feel everyone (Randall, Flynn, Russel) is just about the same, but Randall should be our guy b/c of experience. and i said feelings, not my point. valid or in-valid. i'm not trying to throw a bunch of stats to prove my point, nor am i gonna try and prove my point by putting someone else down and calling them idiots :dis: . we are all TIGER fans, and there is no better time to be one. would love to see more comradery on this board, instead of dogging someone else out and trying to make youself all knowing. o and another thing, noone ever pretends to be Saban or the coaching the tigers; and if i hear one more member tell another member in sarcasm " i'm sure you know more than Saban and Jimbo " i'm gonna :cuss: shoot somebody! JUST JOKING, don't kick me off the site. i'm just trying to get my point across. nobody is pretending to be Saban, we just care enough to let our thoughts and feelings be expressed. valid or in-valid........btw can't wait till football season starts.........this baseball and basketball crap is killing me.