1. It certainly DOES matter. If you don't believe that you shouldn't have voted at all.

    As for her position as chair of the energy committee, what has she done for us as sitting chairperson? Nothing. She just got that in August. Why? So people like you would let their vote be swayed by that rhetoric.

    Prior to that she wrote to the Obama Administration urging it to approve the construction of the Keystone Pipeline. Her seniority didn't carry enough weight, apparently.

    The good news is you can correct that mistake in the runoff.
    KyleK likes this.
  2. The point about it not mattering meant to say that from a R and D standpoint and balance of power, she would not push it either way. Of course it matters. The national positions she votes for that I don't like don't matter as much as what she can do for us locally because congress and POTUS will be gridlocked anyway. Plus it's not like she's a raging liberal.

    But like Shane said, the results looked bad for her. Cassidy clearly is in the driver seat in the runoff.
    LSUTiga likes this.