First of all, no, most posters here do not disagree about everything. That is simply not true, in any fashion. Secondly, if you thought my posts/thoughts were logical, you would probably agree with them. Don't you see how that works? Dead wrong. My opinion did not 'become' the minority, and I seriously doubt that any my opponents ever, at any point, shared most of the thoughts that I hold. As someone else pointed out, go to a UC-Boulder board, or a Yale board, and try spouting off your conservative rhetoric there. See if you're not the minority and the one being accused of thinking 'illogically'. I'm willing that most of the people here (as is this case nearly everywhere) were raised by very republican/conservative families and have always shared those viewpoints on things. I'm not going to get into a debate about whether or not that is good or bad, but I'm very sure that most of my opponents on this board have always felt the way that they do about these issues. Good day, sir.
haha, cmon man, are you a neurologist now? expert on brain patterns? look, zealots on either side of any issue are always freaks.
I didn't need the following study to tell me what I had already surmised...
youre 51? wow... I hope im not like you in 29 years... Oh My god! Its all a conspiracy! The Government is out to get us!
The left has definitely looked like they have sided with our enemies and the terrorists quite a few times. Ted Kennedy and his Vietnam crap. The attacks on Gitmo to close it down and say we treat them like Nazis and Communists. The right don't really have to say anything, some democrats can run their mouths and it will be reported on Al Jazeera, our enemies will see this with their tv's. The terrorists and insurgents are already winning the PR war in Iraq with some Democrats appearing to side on their side. You don't have to be from another planet to see this... This is the only true perspective to the Vietnam war really!
Let's see. SDMan said: The terrorists and insurgents are already winning the PR war in Iraq with some Democrats appearing to side on their side. I do not think I am presumptuous to logically deduce that saltydog is implying that some Democrats are members of terrorist organizations and/or like members of terrorist organizations. That's almost a mindboggingly unaware, boorish and impolite comment bordering on the stupidity of comparing Gitmo prisoner treatment to the Nazi's. As a wise man once said, "what you've just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul."
That's pretty good mystical, lol. I stand by my comment, however. I do believe that there are members of the Democratic party who do not have the best interest of our nation in mind. Did you listen to that babbling fool ted kennedy yesterday. His actions lend credibility to all terrorist and aid in the insurgents mission in Iraq. Kennedy is but one example of how the left wing of this country couln't care less about the outcome of this war. That's fine, though. Let the likes of kennedy and dean keep up their good work. All they will accomplish is insuring that the democratic party falls even farther from the hearts of American voters.