Why, oh why, would you want to move up there? Detroit is the most God-awful place on the earth. They have abandoned high-rises that are falling down. Plus, you'd have to deal with constant Big Ten B.S. I'd rather live in Starkville.
Screw the greyhound, buy a Mylanta/N. Orleans round trip ticket for $75 ... sheesh ... unless you are ... Joe Dirt
Well the job is 100% travel so I wouldn't live in Detroit. I could actually live in Baton Rouge. I just have to make it to my engagements by Monday morning. Come 5 Friday afternoon I can fly home, or anywhere else of equal or lesser value.
That doesn't sound bad. I'd at least make sure I was here for Saturdays in the fall and the Friday after Thanksgiving!
You are a young man of great faith! That's the kind of faith that we need. Also, you must have absolutely no responsibility, man I remember those days, before many children and a wife, and a career. Enjoy it, if you're job hunting you'll soon learn what it means to stop thinking that way. I'm not sure if you want the job in Detroit, got family up there, it's a dump.
I had planned to make a trip to NYC for New Years but have held off on making formal arrangements until LSU was out of the Sugar Bowl picture. I'm very glad to say that I've waited 3 months now...and counting! To hell with New York! I want to be on Bourbon St. come New Year's Eve with the rest of you purple and gold-wearing crazy bastards...lol.
The only thing nice in Detroit is the new Northwest Airlines gate area at the airport. However, if you happen to like things such as crack and cocaine, etc...great place! Pack some heat too.... Moscow looked like Maui compared to Detroit...God Bless!