I like Football and the ladies ,

Discussion in 'The Tiger's Den' started by dimestorecowboy, Jun 1, 2007.

  1. LSUTiga

    LSUTiga TF Pubic Relations

    Sep 2, 2006
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    Wasn't one of the choices. :thumb:
  2. LSUTiga

    LSUTiga TF Pubic Relations

    Sep 2, 2006
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    Personally, I wouldn't care to live anywhere else than where I do- VERY rural area in Louisiana- I like the simple life, no traffic, tight nit communities (Who do tend to gossip a lil too much, but at least, for the most part, there are a lot of eyes on kids' activities and they're not off in "The big city" so-to-speak, doing God knows what.

    For many though, look at what SoCal has to offer compared to what we have in Louisiana:

    Concerts, movies and book tours- With huge centers of the music, film and entertainment industries such as Los Angeles and Hollywood, California offers numerous opportunities for seeing your favorite musicians and performers live.

    You can be In a movie, as an extra and it's free, it's fun and it's informtive at the same time: find out how movies are made, check out movie stars on the set and even get to see yourself in the movie once it's out.



    Universal Studios

    Knottā€™s Berry Farm

    Six Flags


    Water parks: Hurricane Harbor, Raging Waters.

    the marine life at the Aquarium of the Pacific

    Los Angeles Zoo

    Getty Center, a nice little tram ride to the top of the hill to fascinating art collections

    Huntington Library with botanical gardens with themed collections of plants from many different parts of the world.

    La Brea Tar Pits with preserved fossils of beasts that roamed the lands during the last ice age several tens of thousands years ago: mammoths, giant sloths and the likes.

    Paramount Ranch, The Paramount Ranch belonged to the film studios bearing the same name and was used as a setting for westerns and historic films (Doctor Quinn medicine woman being one of them).

    Jet Propulsion Laboratory NASA's division that manages unmanned space missions,

    Just SO many educational, as well as recreational things- great exposure for kids. I wouldn't live anywhere else but Lousiana and I love it but if I were 18 and looking to "Experience life" I wouldn't think twice. I had a hard time moving 80 miles West to go to college, I like to be close to my family, lifelong friends, land I grew up on, etc......I'm just a homebody.
  3. bayareatiger

    bayareatiger If it's too loud YOU'RE TOO OLD

    Oct 23, 2002
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    For me it was. :thumb:

    I have spent time in both NoCal and SoCal and IMO there is a vast "sameness"
    to SoCal compared to NoCal.

    I have been offered career advancements to SoCal and turned them all down.

    It's WAY too pretty up here. In more ways than one.
  4. uscvball

    uscvball Founding Member

    Dec 16, 2006
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    You're right. And since my hand's been played, it's only fair to post my own pic.


    As for Nocal and Socal, they are both terrific. I find that folks who live in either love to visit the other but love to go home if that makes sense.

    I've lived in SoCal my entire life, South Orange County now and the Bay Area is a favorite travel spot especially during football season. At the same time, I couldn't give up the beach and the mountains. I love water too much........OTOH, I guess you can find a shower in just about any town.

    GEAUX TIGERS Founding Member

    Oct 29, 2004
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    Werd yo! :D

    PURPLE TIGER HOPE is not a strategy!

    Nov 2, 2006
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    I lived in Southern California for 10+ years and have absolutely NO desire to ever return...even for a visit.

    As far as the 1 in 10 rule, I believe it works for more than women. Buy something at 10 different stores and you may have the clerk say thank you once.

    Speak to 10 people and one may actually respond in English.

    Have 10 vehicles in an accident and one driver may be insured or a U.S. citizen.

    Drive around L.A. 10 times and you may avoid a traffic jam once.

    Visit 10 locations listed by lsutiga and you may return home without being broke once.

    Find 10 good looking women and ask them where they're originally from and you will find one that says California.

    Find 10 colleges that have football teams and one will be better than our high school teams.

    California is a huge state (should be split in two) and has an enormous population, so you can find plenty to do and eventually meet some great people. Overall it's not what Hollywood makes it out to be.

    I worked the L.A. riots and trust me there are many places in that city that Hollywood will never show you in the movies or on television. You can buy a 1,200 sq ft dive for a million dollars and still have to pay to park. I personally don't get it but more power to the people that care for it.

    The smog (oops...I forgot they like to call it a marine layer) is thick, the traffic is bad, the schools are in decline, Mexico is moving north, and the people are generally more rude than New Yorkers.

    There may be many places better than Louisiana but I wouldn't consider Southern California one of them.
  7. TigerBait3

    TigerBait3 Guest

    She said if I were with her long enough I'd become a Vols fan?

    Thats why we have one night stands and dont call people back. Stupid Vols. :dis: :yelwink2:
  8. bayareatiger

    bayareatiger If it's too loud YOU'RE TOO OLD

    Oct 23, 2002
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    It IS tough to see those mountains down there...

    I have a 2500 foot mountain 5 miles from my house and I can't remember many days when it wasn't clear as a bell...

    In all my years of visiting, I honestly hadn't heard the "marine layer" comment until last weekend when we were down there, and my wife's uncle said it...

    I told him that it was an interesting euphemism....

    Up here we call New Yawkers TFE's - typical f****n' Easterners...
  9. uscvball

    uscvball Founding Member

    Dec 16, 2006
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    You are more than entitled to your opinion and yet you've listed a ton of sterotypes..........some deserved and some true. However, that's my home you're talking about.

    It is a huge population and a true melting pot......both of which can lead to difficulties. You didn't bother to list any of the things that make California not only a top destination spot but a mecca for international relocations. Maybe you didn't find any while you were here and that's a shame.

    It is so easy to find free things to do here and there are plenty of good looking people who were born and raised in Cali. It's people, not Hollywood productions that should identify the standard for representing the truth.

    I've been to La, absolutely LOVE it and can't wait to return some day. Just as a country, we are all so freakin' lucky to have the choices we do and the amazing geographical bounty available to all of us.
  10. uscvball

    uscvball Founding Member

    Dec 16, 2006
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    There is a difference between smog and a marine layer. I've not had a problem seeing the local mountains. This however, is a familiar sight. :yelwink2:


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