I know Obama does this just to piss me off

Discussion in 'Free Speech Alley' started by SabanFan, Jun 23, 2010.

  1. LSUGradin99

    LSUGradin99 I Bleedeth Purple 'N Gold

    There was nothing wrong with my sig and Red certainly got the message. It's all good martin as long as you refrain from childish name calling. You're too good for that.
  2. martin

    martin Banned Forever

    yunno, you are welcome. i was in the unique situation of being able to help you out, by letting you know what was up and drawing attention to your failings. sometimes people need somebody to tell them when they are making a stupid and childish mistake. we all see that you have ended your infantile practice of taking shots at people with your sig. try and keep things together and i wont embarrass you again.
  3. LSUGradin99

    LSUGradin99 I Bleedeth Purple 'N Gold

    I sincerely doubt red needs nor wants defending from you. He chose to quit posting on the forum, which was not my intent. That is why the information has been removed from my signature. Although I was obviously in disagreement with him, I do like the guy and don't want him gone.

    There is no way you can possibly embarrass me on here, but you are welcome to try to do so as long as you do so in a civilized manner.

    Also, sometimes people like you do indeed need to be made aware of stupid and childish behavior. Hopefully you are above that now and won't resort to the crude insults that were offensive to many of our members.
  4. martin

    martin Banned Forever

    he doesnt. the person who needs help is you, which i have done by using strongly worded language to tell you how you were acting. you dont taunt people with your sig. that is absurd. the other mods would have said something but they didnt want to deal with your crap. so i said something. thats why you dont do it anymore. because i was right and you know it.

    stop acting like a child and we will both hope he comes back and doesnt have to deal with your BS.

    technically true, because i am actually pointing out that you are embarrassing yourself. again, taunting people with your sig, where they cant respond, that is low. when someone disagrees with you, just get over it.

    if i hadnt used the brutal language i would have been less effective at drawing attention to your problems. again, i think the fact that you changed your sig says everything that needs to be said. when i got banned it means the other mods take a look at the crap that caused it, meaning your silly behavior was on display, which you obviously were shameful enough about to cease.

    dont worry, a little ban doesnt bother me, if it helps everyone out. like i said, you are welcome.

    also if it is true that you chased red away by being an annoying jerkass, then you should feel terrible. red, unlike you, can disagree with us (and i think it is clear he disagrees with almost all of us on something) without acting like a child.
  5. chewie

    chewie Glitched

    Can someone start a "Come back Red!" thread? I'm pretty green here so I don't wanna do it, but these forums were better with his opinions.
  6. LSUGradin99

    LSUGradin99 I Bleedeth Purple 'N Gold

    He won't stay away long. Hopefully he's just on vacation. In the meantime, we can read posts by people who convince themselves of being correct by talking more and more BS. :)
  7. martin

    martin Banned Forever

    are you referring to me? you are going hurt my stupid feelings so bad i am gonna start cherrypicking your words and putting them in my sig in an infantile attempt to discredit you. then i will show everyone, you will see!

    i am kidding, i am an adult, i dont do that.

    seriously though, i know you used your goofy tactics to cheapshot red, did you do it to batgirl as well? i missed that. i only saw the reference to it in your sig, when you were trying to show everyone what a spectacularly petty person you are.
  8. LSUGradin99

    LSUGradin99 I Bleedeth Purple 'N Gold

    God loves you martin.
  9. martin

    martin Banned Forever

    i know. again, just curious, did you taunt batgirl in your sig like you did red? is that behavior allowable and within the rules? perhaps one of the other mods could let me know? is it acceptable to take shots at members in your sig? seriously i am not clear on the rules.

    i am certainly aware that mods get special rights. is taunting other members/mods in the sig one of those special rights? seriously, i am curious. because, as you know, when you taunt someone in your sig, they cant respond. seems like odd behavior. is this allowed? yes or no?
  10. QBLuke

    QBLuke Hickey Da God

    Honestly, who gives a crap? Let the gays have their fun, doesn't hurt me any.

    I find it ironic that the only one getting worked up about this appears gayer than the gayest of fags because of it.

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