I Have To Vent...Sorry

Discussion in 'The Tiger's Den' started by SJS101, Nov 11, 2007.

  1. MaizeandBlue

    MaizeandBlue Founding Member

    Nov 12, 2007
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    never heard that but aparently you didnt hear about what happen in hawaii this past weekend. ;) it go real ugly

    "Aloha Stadium - A Disaster Waiting To Happen"

  2. meauxjeaux2

    meauxjeaux2 Founding Member

    Aug 18, 2005
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    no I didn't.What happened?
  3. LSUTiga

    LSUTiga TF Pubic Relations

    Sep 2, 2006
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    SJS101 & meauxjeaux, dudes, those were your vehicles?? MAN, they promised me they weren't LSU fans' vehicles. DAM, I had no idea they were..........OHHH! Now I feel SO TERRIBLE.

    Al right, I know I shouldn't have joked about that, it is terrible and unfortunate when property isn't respected. Such a ridiculous thing to vandalize property. I've done a lot of stupid things growing up but I could have never brought myself to do something like that to someone's property.

    I'm sure, eventually, the SOB's will get caught and though it doesn't help your situation, take SOME comfort in knowing that. They have to be idiots and that kind of behavior is most likely not an isolated incident. They got away with it so will probably become more & more fearless about it........until they get caught.
  4. LSUfan71

    LSUfan71 Founding Member

    Aug 16, 2002
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    I'm sorry that happened to you but vowing to never return sounds like a bit much. The description of the damage sounds familiar:angry: Is it possible that another vehicle spun out tires in the gravel lot and the spinning tires threw the rocks onto your car? Doesn't lessen your anger but the careless party might not have even known that your car was damaged.

    Sounds like you're bringin the youngsters up right!
  5. SJS101

    SJS101 Founding Member

    Oct 10, 2006
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    I thought about that too...but there are spots TOO big and deep and too many long scratches to have been spin out debris. I mean there are some huge spots that look like it was swung at with the head of a putter or something. I of course have not lost my love for LSU but I will just continue to support my Tigers in other ways. Unless someone wants to give me a ride to TS so I don't have to bring my car :hihi: . Ten years ago this would have probably ate me up with rage but with the kids around I have learned more self-control. In a week or so my car should be fixed and I plan to mellow out on this too.
  6. Tiger Trey

    Tiger Trey Founding Member

    Sep 13, 2002
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    I read the linked article. Seems like about 20000 people who have at least on one occasion or another shared a backseat with Dog The Bounty Hunter surrounded the Fresno State contingent. More fights, profanity, objects thrown and general bad behavior than in the last 50 years of night games at Tiger Stadium and all in one night. As a matter of fact, this guy came down to BR for their game last year. (sorry about the rain)

    Here's the highlights :

    *felt the need to spit into the Fresno section while his friend flipped us off and cussed at us.

    *hurled a full cup of beer into the Fresno section.

    *at least two Hawaii fans also threw punches at a couple of our fans while another group of our fans tried franticly to summon security. It took a full 7 to 8 minutes for the first security officers to get to the section and another 10 minutes to try to figure out what had happened. They ended up escorting out a Fresno fan who was about 65 years old and had been one of the recipients of the Hawaii fan’s taunting, spitting, and punching while most of our section screamed at the cops that the man had done NOTHING wrong.

    *a large Samoan man, who was sitting with his family about five rows behind us and across the aisle, began cussing at us using every word in the book while holding his little boy in his lap. The boy couldn’t have been older than 3 and he’s sitting there watching his dad cuss out a poor Fresno woman while her husband sat there helpless. The Samoan's daughter then got out of her seat and went down to the Dog fan and his wife and got right in their face. A Hawaii fan stepped in and grabbed the lady to keep her from hitting the woman and then forced her to sit back down. All of this occurred with no help from security.

    *Hawaii fans began hurling full water bottles into our section. One bottle hit a Fresno fan 5 rows below me and we began covering our heads and had to start watching the section to the southwest of us for incoming debris. Bottles started coming from the upper decks

    *In addition to the water bottles, literally every few minutes we would be pelted with trash consisting of torn up pages from news papers that were handed out before the game. Although not nearly as dangerous as throwing full water bottles, all of this debris rained down on not only our section but the entire north half of the playing field, turning it into a dirty trash heap.

    *A friend of mine went to the restroom and was berated by female Hawaii fans. Upon walking back to our seats, a Hawaii fan who was in line for beer yelled, “Hey David Carr was at Fresno State…. he’s a f****** piece of s***. The Bulldogs can s*** my c***.

    *Hawaii fans decided it would be a good idea to leave their seats and come sit in the empty seats in our section; apparently, in order to make the taunting and harassment a bit more personal. One Hawaii fan (as mentioned on the BarkBoard) tried to sit in an elderly woman’s seat. As the elderly Dog fan’s husband protested, the Hawaii fan cussed and challenged the man to fight. The poor lady ended up injuring her leg trying to not get attacked.

    *The large Samoan man who had been cussing at us the entire game with his son on his lap got out of his seat. He walked down about 4 rows, pushed a female Fresno fan out of the way, and slapped her dad in the face. The Samoan then proceeded to try to jump on him. At this point, all hell broke loose and Hawaii fans descended from the upper rows, most trying to get a fight going by swinging at Fresno fans in the immediate vicinity. Folks started to yell franticly for the cops who were on the field about 20 rows below us. The incompetent police officers spent the next 5 minutes trying to figure out how to get into our section and ended up scaling a wall. All the while, Hawaii fans were throwing punches. As the cops arrived, the Hawaii fan who was sitting next to my friend was on his feet trying to get the Samoan guy away from the Fresno fan and his wife and in the process got shoved by two other men. He spat in one of their faces and the cops let the Samoan man stay and kicked out the guy who was trying to help. Forget about the fact that the Samoan man assaulted two of our fans and nearly started a riot!!

    And people say Tiger bait is offensive!
  7. Buckeye Fan

    Buckeye Fan Founding Member

    Sep 1, 2005
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    Sorry about your car. At least you have found something that you and your daughter both like to do, and I bet that's worth more than your car is!
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  8. N.C.Tiger

    N.C.Tiger We push snow in Style

    Oct 18, 2005
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    So sorry to here about your car and troubles at the game. Some people have no morals or respect for others property.
    I love the picture, cant wait until my 8 month old grandson can go back home with me to a game and perch his butt up on that Tiger. Hope he has the same big smile that your daughter had on her face, gotta love seeing a kid at a Tiger Ball Game.
    Coming home for game in 11 days cant wait. :wave: :wave: :wave: :wave: :wave: ( have no idea what thats for but I have been wanting to use it):huh:
  9. meauxjeaux2

    meauxjeaux2 Founding Member

    Aug 18, 2005
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    This was my little girls first game also,i'm glad I didn't notice what had happened to my truck that night,or I might have been a little distressed also.Here's a pic I took of my 2 kids before the game,and also A pic of my truck before the incident[​IMG]
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  10. Crip*TEAM KATT

    Crip*TEAM KATT As Wild As We Wanna Be

    Nov 24, 2003
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    See its reasons like this that a Truck Monkey would be PERFECT!

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