Sorry that happened dude. I wouldn't worry about her memories of the game. Just re-enforce what a good time you had up until that point and all will be fine. And I hope you don't let a few morons dissuade you from attending any games. Hopefully, it was just a random act that, chances are, you won't experience again. :thumb:
I'm also sorry to hear that. Things like that are tough to let go. I'm glad your daughter had fun AT the game though.
That does totally destroy a great story! Sorry to hear that! I really doubt it had anything to do with the game (neither fan). I bet it came from area kids that swarm the tailgate areas and help themselves with anything left behind while everyone is at the game. Your car being the finale of an evening! Terrible news and hope it doesn't keep your daughter and you away from another great experience in Tiger Stadium!! :thumb:
I thought about that too. I even asked if she wanted to leave a little early but she didn't want to go ANYWHERE! She was quite thrilled to be there until the end so I obliged her. I think it will be OK because I did not blow up and start raging like I wanted to. IT was hard keeping it together and we talked about how much fun she had the whole way home. Here is a pic of her leaving the game...before the tears!
Brother I'm very dissapointed to hear that happened to you. I own a paint and body shop and if you lived nearer I would make it right for you free of charge. Tiger nation sticks together. :tigereye: Take comfort in knowing that they will get what's coming to them. Karma is like a big rubber band.
I know how it feels to have something like that happen, we had our house broken into and all our christmas presents we had bought stolen along with everything else while we were in Ok for Thanksgiving. The reason I say that is because you being the "rock" have to find a way to make it better. You did great by not giving in to the inner need to blow up, but your last statement in your first post I hope is just backlash and not what you really plan on. I think that by not allowing the chance to have more great experiences because of what happened will only allow the bad memories to linger. This is simply my opinion from one dad to another!
I ain't so sure. We have criminal street elements in the neighborhood north of LSU that's a problem on- and off-campus all the time, not just at football games. Mostly it's everyday theft, but often it is senseless vandalism.
we need more secruity in the parking lots to protect our Fans, I mean really, this is obviously young punks. We should hire BlackWater to come in, I hear there not busy.
Yep. Considering at the Chevron half of the time they will make you take your jacket off upon entering...that should tell you something.
:thumb: Great pic! I also forgot that it was a blowout and that a lot of people left early, so my apologies for assuming otherwise.