Absolutely, the earlier the better. My dad put a cane pole in my hands when I was still in a stroller... not sure if I ever caught anything then, but as I got older my rods/reels got better and my fishing knowledge grew. I'm currently bumping heads with my 10 yr old trying to get him into it... been taking him fishing since he was about 3, if he isn't catching he gets bored. But as he gets older i'm hoping he gains more patience for it.
Start him off with live bait fishing, worms, crickets, shiners... it helps them to see their bobber start dancing and going down.
Yes it is. This is me with my first fish at age 3. A four-inch white perch caught on a cricket in my Grandpa's pond. I was pissed because I had been expecting a BIG honkin' fish.
1958. It's actually a color slide, but the color is so faded that it looks better in black and white. I guess my Grandma's fishin' hat and the old porch swing gives it a dated look.