No question you are right. If any of his sons had decided to play ball at LSU, Archie would have been at just about every game with a LSU cap on. I truly believe that. Does anybody doubt that?
I like Archie, but . . . I have no hard feelings against the Mannings, BUT . . . I thoroughly enjoy it when LSU whips Ole Miss in anything. I don't want the Mannings to get the impression that LSU people hate them. I want them to know that we think that they are worthy opponents that want to whip them good . . . so they better be ready to play! Eli knows that only LSU kept him from playing in the SECCG last year and winning the SEC West! He'll have to live with that knowledge for the rest of his life! What more punishment could anybody wish on Eli than that?
Screw Archie Manning & their entire LSU hating clan Kept LSU from a National Championship in 1969 ... he got his payback. I just wish Coach Mac's bunch had shoved that cast so far up his ... he could suck his thumb internally ... 63-17 wasn't enough for me As for his prima donna punks (show her your butt cheeks again, Peyton) and the rest ad nauseum ... bring 'em ... not a blip on the LSU radar screen. Screw the Mannings ... they really hate LSU ... whether you like it or not.
actions as such have been evident in all sports. Eric Lindros did it, Elway did do it, Bo did it (he really did just do it), and what I learned this week Tony Dorsett did it too in the 1977 draft. TD was on a radio interview Friday here in Dallas, and he openly talked about how he would bad talk Tampa Bay, who had the first pick, to all the scouts he knew so he would not be picked by him. Tampa Bay was in its 2nd year of existence, and a RB the caliber of TD would have been a great pick up. Instead, TD's talking got to the Bucs, and low and behold he was drafted by the Cowboys at #2 (the Cowboys traded up to that spot). Ricky Bell (a Heisman Trophy winner I believe) went #1 to the Bucs that year, and AJ Duhe (Reserve, Louisiana's own and LSU Tiger great) went 13 to the Dolphins. So you see, this has been happening for years, and it probably happens every year, it was just magnified this year due to the Manning name IMO.
Bell didn't win the Heisman. Dorsett did. A little known fact is that Ricky Bell's brother is Archie Bell of Archie Bell and the Drells, known for the One Hit Wonder song "Tighten Up"
Aw, come on. They "hate" LSU as a rival, but they don't hate LSU like real hate. Many Ole Miss fans REALLY hate LSU, but I don't believe that the Mannings feel that way.
Mooning is a childish prank. Flashing is a sex crime. Only a complete idiot would equate the two acts.
I agree, only a phu.... jackazz would think that's a crime :dis: :dis: :dis: :dis: :dis: :dis: :dis: :dis: :dis: :dis: :dis: :dis: