IMO----------I guess the Mannings and others like them don't exactly shop at Walmart. However, when you have more money than you can reasonably spend, why in the world would you worry about the NYC press or the ads? When I die, put my money in the casket with me. OK-----------BUT IT WILL BE IN THE FORM OF A CHECK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Take the Manning praise to the Weeble board. We all know the Mannings are red necks and crybabies. Eli was ready to cry when the Chargers drafted him and like the spoiled brat he is, refused to put on a Chargers' hat. Peyton is a flasher and is being sued for it. The Mannings are a bunch of losers; none, for all their publicity, has ever won a championship.
Bo Jackson did much the same thing. He was drafted by someone he didn't want to play for so he played a year of baseball and then entered the draft again. The crew of the ESPN draft show also mentioned a fourth player that did the same as Manning but I forget his name. :geaux: :lsug: :champs:
Don't you think its a bit of a stretch to call somebody a flasher because he mooned somebody when he was in college?
I'm reminded of the response that Billy Cannon made to a question by Kare Johnson on WWL. Kare asked him what was the bigest moment in his life, was it his Heisman Trophy, his Nationla Championship at LSU, or his All Pro selection in the NFL? Cannon's answer was "none of those". Those are just games. They pale in comparison to being married to the woman I love for all these years, watching my kids grow up and being with my parents. Even though Archie may have never won a championship in sports he is a far greater champion for the same reasons that Billy Cannon named above. I wonder if Pat Tillman ever won a championship in sports? Who cares?
What the heck are you saying? I read where Archie's Mom thanked somebody at LSU after the game where Archie had to wear a cast. She observed that there were no cheap shots against Archie, and she was grateful. If you were at the game, what did you observe?
I agree with you again. I don't agree with the Mannings on what they did with regard to the draft. They should have respected the sanctity of the NFL system of drafting college players. For some reason, the Mannings felt a need to protect their youngest son by manipulating the system to keep him away from the Chargers. I don't agree with what they did, but it doesn't change my neutral feelings towards them. I'll always like Archie, because I was one of the kids in Tulane Stadium cheering for him during his rookie season. I've always liked the early Saints better than the Saints from 1971 onwards. I'll always believe that the players played harder in the pros back then. The Golden Age of the NFL was from 1960--1971, I think.
Love how Tiger fans praise a Tiger hating family. Is Wingnut the next to be praised? Lady Peyton mooned, and yes mooning is flashing, did not think it is funny and it will cost him money. Don't think you would have thought it funny if it had been your child he pulled his pants down in front of. Sounds like a problem in raising a kid. Also, having one cry and sulk when he doesn't get his way shows a kid raised as a spoiled brat who has been caught drunk several times. My son did not pull any stunts like these jerks.