No championships. Just good players. Archie and crew beat LSU 2 out of the 3 times he played against them. And that was against top level LSU teams. Teams in the top 5. LSU killed them his senior year. The year his arm was in a cast. But as big as the rivalry was--as important as this game was (An LSU victory sent them to the Orange bowl)----One of the things that will always stick with me-and I WAS there in the end zone----Not the first--I repeat------NOT THE FIRST----LSU player took a CHEAP shot at Archie. Knowing the Tigers had some built up animousity and pressure to win that night---They were EACH AND EVERY ONE a hell of a player and ONE HELL of a gentleman. Their respect for Archie was obvious. And I respect them.
Neither did Danny Abramowicz and he had all of the same attributes. That's another thing I could never figure out. The general consesus was that Archie was a great quarterback on a bad team. I Never felt that way. If he was all that, there should have been more successes for that miserable franchise. He tried hard, I'll give him that. But, he just wasn't good enough. That's what I said. Me, me, me. Forget that San Diego, according to the rules, was entitled to the 1st pick. It just didn't fit into the Mannings' master plan. Do you think a guy like Pat Tillman would have pulled that crap?
I think Pat Tillman was man enough to say that yes. If for whatever reason he did not want to go there, I think he would say so and would not prostitute himself for the money. I think he proved to everyone that he could not be bought. His beliefs, his morals, his mind could not be bought by anyone.
I like Sabanfans opinions. I respect that someone isn't scared to express the way they feel about something. Archie had a plan for his kids and did a hell of a job raising them. I think I would have more respect for the Mannings if they would have played 5A ball in highschool only b/c the competition is stronger. I also think that if Eli was comming out of highschool this year, that he might have gone to LSU b/c they won a NC. Great highschool athletes (Mannings, Waric Dunn, M. Faulk, Brandon Bass, Kittles, Augman etc,etc...) are somewhat sceptical to go to LSU b/c b/4 last year (excluding LSU baseball) some feel that the state has some kind of curse. Example; Saints, Jazz, Pelicans, LSU football Pre2003 and LSU basketball not to mention Tulane sux in everything except Law and frat parties.
I like the Mannings and I wouldn't want my son playing for Marty Schottenheimer as well. I don't blame Archie for not wanting his son to go to San Diego. I predict Marty will be fired after this year and I don't blame Archie for not wanting his son to go through that. After what Archie went through in the NFL, how can anyone blame him for not wanting a son to go through the same thing? I understand though that some people don't like them because they went to Ole Miss, thier enemy along with not going to LSU but I'm not one of em. SabanFan, I'm not really talking about you here but I've talked to people on this board that feel this way. Marty is the same coach that started Elvis Grbac over Rich Gannon. How many games did KC win with Grbac hurt and Gannon starting and then for the playoff game they start Grbac and they lost. I am glad they did because I was rooting for the Broncos but I think Marty sucks as a coach. I'm not sure if Marty has ever won anything or not because I don't remember but I don't think he ever has or ever will with some of the decisions he's made through the years. If I'm Archie I would've done the same thing for Eli except I would've had him go to LSU because I'm an LSU fan of course. I wish them well and hope they have great success. 5A high school?? I guess thats tougher than playing for a school in the SEC??
Archie and Olivia hate LSU. They have used La. to get rich. They need to move back to Ms. Too bad San Diego blinked. It was funny seeing Eli and the rest of the clan in shock. Eli is a big baby.
I think the most revealing thing about San Diego is the fact that they have no receivers for Eli to throw to. Why is this? Because Marty Shyttenheimer (yes its the correct phonetic spelling) is the most conservative NFL head coach of all times (including, yes, Jimmy Mora). He would rather run for 200 yards than throw for 300. So not knowing how long this doofus of a coach would be in San Diego, Archie did not want to see his son misused in this manner. Marty's dream game is a grind em out 16-13 victory in which his defense is asked to stop the opponent on 3 consecutive drives late in the fourth quarter to preserve the victory (as his offense goes 3 and out the entire 4th quarter). I don't blame Archie for feeling that way. But guess what, the Chargers, at this very moment, are having a good laugh at all of this. They got the QB they wanted in Rivers, who will more than likely be just as successful as Manning. And they got next year's 1st round pick in addition to it. Cudos to the Chargers GM. You made everyone feel sorry for you while you were busy scheming a way to rob the bank. It's by far the best move of the entire draft.
You may not belive it nor can I prove it, but if Eli had gone to LSU, you would have pictures of Archie sitting in the stands with a LSU cap on. We seem to forget.......IT IS STILL A BALLGAME and the Mannings don't need your approval or mine. If my wife were to win the lottery and have 500 Million dollars when she died-----------and left a will requesting that all her money be buried with her------------I would write a check and put it in her casket. :grin: :grin: :grin: :grin: :grin: :grin: :grin: :grin: :grin: :grin: BLOOD IS THICKER THAN COLLEGE LOYALTIES :grin:
Don't forget that New York isn't the easiest place to be a sports figure either... This could also be a thorn in Eli's side if they don't win and he makes quite a few mistakes.... He may wish he was playing some place else before its all over. This kinda thing isn't new, John Elway, Bo Jackson or Hershel Walker and a few other people did the same kind of thing! I don't remember if they said it was Bo or Hershel