All good brother, I'm kind of ashamed at myself too, but in my older age I'm just trying to push drama out.
None? Lol. One of my best friends/tailgate partner knew and used to lurk here regularly. He passed away last September. My female friends don't even understand my posting on a USC message board, so.... True. Money is another hot topic. If you really want to start some interesting fireworks, you should try bringing up compensation, human motivation, and reward systems. Lord, I have gotten myself into some uncomfortable discussions, lol.
Same bible - different interpretation. I avoid talking about religion with anybody in person that I can't hang up on but how many times have you disagreed with somebody and their answer was "It says so right there in the bible?" Funny story. I worked for a friend for a while in the 80's. He kept his bible on the top of the dashboard of his car. The bible was also where he stashed the gram of cocaine he often had. One day we had finished a job and we were waiting for the boss to settle up with the customer so we could leave. The customer and his wife were members of Jimmy Swaggart's church and the boss was Catholic and for some reason they got into a religious argument. At some point in the argument Boss said: "It says so right in the bible, I'll prove it to you." and he got his bible and when he opened it the gram of coke fell out. Amazingly he didn't notice and the customers didn't notice. I was standing nearby so I covered it with my foot and picked it up when nobody was looking. I wish I had a picture of my bosses face when I gave it back to him.
I am not the least bit shy about discussing politics or religion . . . with someone who is not shy or easily offended. Those folks who are easily offended . . . I never bring it up. In fact I never discuss much of anything with the easily offended. But people who get easily offended at religious or political talk are often the ones that start spouting their religious and political opinions. And I will speak my mind when they do.
Facebook Is Creating a Dislike Button, Mark Zuckerberg Confirms
Of course. It allows him to direct elections toward candidates and issues he supports and that in return, support his company. He's all about immigration reform and foisting technology on schools like Gates has done with common core. Look at "his" PAC.... All candidates, all linked to their twitter and facebook......all they need are likes and dislikes. Fuckerberg.
Regarding the dislike button, many sites have it but I think most do not have the users connected as "friends" like Facebook. I'm wondering if those that dislike certain posts will be deleted by the poster. Also not sure how people should respond to a post mentioning that their loved one passed suddenly. Do you like or dislike that sort of announcement?
Even more lucrative will be the way he can use it to evaluate and target marketing. Instant feedback on whether a marketing campaign is having positive or negative results. Neither would be appropriate. Maybe there should be a sympathy button too.