I actually use Linkedin, I have gotten interviews and business connections through that site. I dont check it much, it has been fruitful for me.
Mine is strictly business--nothing personal is going to go on it. As far as FB, nothing other than PG-rated stuff is on there, either. Students always search up their teachers, and some of their parents do, too. I don't need anything inappropriate there.
I think it's one of the better sites for exactly what you said, business connections and for the most part it's been harmless and not a time burden. I just want it to go away when I ask for it to go away.
That pisses me off. Nobody should be forced or required to use social media or to post pics/videos. I just read an information page about "how to get connected" and there were nearly 100 tips and suggestions. WTF. #SweetBrown.
It asks you if you want to reactivate but I chose not to. I've asked people to search for me and they can't find me nor can they find any trace of me.
Right. I only use Twitter to post updates about high school sporting events that I'm covering. I'm just not very tech savvy; can't grasp the purpose of hashtags at all.
Don't the hashtags group the subject of the hashtag with similar topics to make yours more likely to come up in a search? I just use Twitter to follow sports figures, newsworthy events and comedians. I was following Donald Trump long before he decided to run for president and he was just as outrageous then. Twitter accounts for LSU football, basketball and baseball can keep you updated on a game.