It happened to a friend of mine. Someone put out a page with his name and put a bunch of porn links, political rants, and gay-themed photos and messages to try to embarrass him and get him fired. Anyone tries to put a phony page on me and it will be obvious since the real one is right there to see.
One of my old friends shares email with her husband. She is annoyed that I call her instead of returning her emails, but I feel that my privacy is compromised if somebody other than the person I am conversing with has access.
I am quite good mentally at caring about what I want to see and ignoring the BS. My wife trust me so I don't have to have to worry about anything either. She can see anything she wants on mine but she doesn't really care to. My wife doesn't have FB but I can see how that could make FB more of a pain. It just wouldn't be a problem for us if she did have an account.
I enjoy my FB account. Being divorced, it keeps me more in touch with my kids. My ex and I each post pics from time to time with the kids. Nice to keep up with them like that. Most of my friends are flung far and wide, and I enjoy most of their posts. I tell FB who I want to see posts from and who I don't. I use Adblock, so I don't see any of the advertisements, which makes it is a stress free way to keep up. Lastly, I have used it to text with friends whose numbers I don't know. It has come in quite handy for that. I used Whatsapp for ip talking and texting to my daughter while she was in Europe all summer, but could have just as easily used FB Messenger. Twitter on the other hand...I have had an account for 5 years I guess. Have never looked at it since I created the account. I just don't get it. Hashtags and such confuse me also.
You'd be surprised how other people try to start shit though. Like I was saying earlier about the straw that broke the camels back, come to find out it was an ex girlfriend of mine, that went to my wife in Applebee's while she was there eating with a girlfriend of hers, well this girl goes up to my wife and asks her if we are still married and says oh well she didn't know because of the way this other girl was commenting on my Facebook page. So this ex of mine that I haven't seen or spoken to in years goes to my wife and tries to start this shit, and my wife wasn't mad but it bothered her this ex of mine was basically trying to stir up shit. So I said fuck it...
That shit is hard to shut down. I have deleted my account more than once and it won't die. I get email reminders about birthdays of people that I don't even know. I also occasionally get a pop up telling me that 3 people have unfriended me on Facebook and I should find out who they are. Hilarious. I don't have Facebook. Never have.