If they didn't want anyone looking then they wouldn't post it...If that shocks them then they are a lost cause. LOL
I totally agree, however it doesn't have to be in a bathing suit or showing some skin, the random stalker is much creepier than that.
Yeah dude, that shit's weird. I hardly ever post on facebook or twitter but if I did, it wouldn't be to tell random female friends they look good.
Cops: Couple Robs Bank, Posts Photos of Loot on Facebook http://news.yahoo.com/cops-couple-robs-bank-posts-130908103.html
I have no idea, probably because it's not "my" behind.......but you still aren't the random stalker type, you are just an in your face kinda stalker, which I can deal with
Why not just turn off your internet, destroy all of your devices, sell all of your possessions and move to Washington and grow weed in the hills?