My friend pays a friend of his who gets season tickets (They have 2) each year, and they sit together. They basically view them as "their" season tickets. The friend of my friend (Who has the tickets in his name; he bought them for he and my friend, and NO ONE ELSE). They entered the lottery, and actually won. My friend gets a call, and the guy that won the lottery says his wife wants to go with the other ticket, and that he's sorry, but he'll have to take her. Now, they're friends, but if someone did that to me, I'd take their ass to small claims court and bring some receipts or check stubs or something... Either that, or I'd make sure he and his wife went with me for New Year's, and then fixed her a drink with about 16 liquified Ex-Lax pills in it. I'd chase that first drink with a lot of Kahlua and milk...Lactose always reacts VERY well to Ex-Lax, if you get my drift...
Good idea. Ramah is in Saudi Arabia. I think the penalty for distribution of drugs in Saudi Arabia is beheading.