I have a question. Some feel TJ would be next up. What about Max Johnson? I thought he was higher rated and TJ had low completion rating in high school. Is TJ listed as Brennens backup?
They need to put someone in there not named Myles B. I don't care who it is. That kid is going to have us in the cellar if he stays in.
Ok, why not . A lot of completions were going nowhere for no purpose . I don’t buy his stat line . You want to , tremendous . I have no faith in the kid . If he were a competitor he would have hauled ass when Burrow was named starter. He hung in to win job by default. Patience gets you in heaven but it doesn’t get you wins in the SEC. You disagree , cool . Go forth and prosper. The name calling is a bit beneath what most of us do in here but you do you . I look forward with heightened anticipation for your future comments . I’m sure they will enlighten all of us .
I recall when Sammy Sosa was (allegedly) using performance-enhancing drugs during his home run battle with Mark McGuire (to break Maris' HR record) that a meme came out showing a kid with his dad; the kid is catching Sosa's home run--but it's an asterisk in his glove! Caption? "I caught Sammy Sosa's asterisk!" That's how I feel about this CFB season; it's all one big asterisk, start to finish. A placeholder for 2021. Tainted, fo' schizzle. Meh.